how do i change my master password

how do i change my master password on windows. now i have 1password running on waterfox but when i double click on a login it doesn't open the browser or the login page. but it works on chrome when i change it to chrome on preference. also i've bought 1password on ios appstore to my i would like to use the same account on my PC. is it possible,must i've to buy it on windows again. pls if there a way tell me i'm a poor boy. an a student. please.
Thanks indeed.

1Password Version:
Extension Version: 4.4.3
OS Version: windows 10 64bit
Sync Type: dropbox
Referrer: kb-search:how to change the main password , kb:keyboard-shortcuts, kb:credit-card-tags, kb-search:how to change the main password , kb:forgot-master-password


  • Hi @Randeera,

    how do i change my master password on windows

    To change your master password for your 1Password vault, open the main 1Password program, unlock first with the current password and then go to the File Menu > Preferences > Security to click on Change Master Password.

    now i have 1password running on waterfox but when i double click on a login it doesn't open the browser or the login page.

    Waterfox is not on our list of included code signatures for web browsers; you have to disable the code signature security check first and then restart 1Password Helper, here's how:

    1. Open the main 1Password program and go to the Help Menu > Advanced > Disable web browser code signature check
    2. Now, go to the Help Menu > Restart 1Password Helper
    3. Restart Waterfox and it should let 1Password work now.

    is it possible,must i've to buy it on windows again. pls if there a way tell me i'm a poor boy. an a student. please.

    We do provide educational discounts. Please email us at with a link to this thread and we'll give you a discount.

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