Since I can't get any technical help confirm that I am not on a automatic renewal.

There is nothing to provide, I haven't been able to use the program and everyone of my request have gone unanswered, even two to the head honcho. So I need to know that you will not keep charging me for this (to me worthless service). I can tell you right now there won't be a response just a note saying if you need help please call 1-800-we don't care. Ken

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:Since I can't get any technical help confirm that I am not on a automatic renewal.


  • AlexHoffmann
    edited December 2015

    Hi Ken,

    First of all, to answer your question:
    No, you will not be charged again for 1Password. 1Password is software not a service and thus not a subscription.

    Please let me apologise for the bad experience you've had and for the frustration this must be causing you.

    About a year ago when you first contacted us, I offered a phone call but unfortunately we didn't get a response to that email or the one @SaraMinisterOfMagic sent you afterwards. I am unsure what has gone wrong here but it looks like there was a technical malfunciton that caused your email to not be shown to our customer support team.

    If you are still interested in using 1Password, we will do anything we can to make your purchase worth it or help you in a different way.



    Bearded Vulcan Support Technician

    ref: QFN-37544-685
    ref: SIH-63794-297
    ref: DIH-56222-696

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