Downloading App and using it on a new computer (Windows 10)


I downloaded the 1Password 4 App on my laptop that uses Windows 10. I don't understand why I can't just sign in and see passwords and whatnot that are on the Apple tablet I have. Anyway, I tried connecting Dropbox but the Password says it's either not a "backup" or a "vault folder". Then I tried to just move the vault that is in the Dropbox on the Apple tablet and share it with my other Dropbox on the Windows laptop. The 1Password app says the same thing. That it's not a "vault folder" or something related on those lines.

How am I to use 1Password on my laptop that has Windows 10? Do I need to download and login to the same Dropbox that is on the Apple tablet and open it on my Dropbox? When I tried that before the Dropbox kept saying there was already a "Dropbox folder" on this (Windows) computer. Then I tried to make a new folder and that did nothing either. That's when I just tried to share the vault info from the Dropbox account that is on the Apple tablet with a different Dropbox account on the Windows system but that didn't work either.


1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Hi @PRCarmita,

    I don't understand why I can't just sign in and see passwords and whatnot that are on the Apple tablet I have.

    1Password does not store your data anywhere else beside your local drive. It's not a web service that holds your data in the cloud where you can just sign in on any computer and see your data, we encrypt and store your data locally only. Basically, 1Password is a local app that unlocks your local data via the master password, there is no logging in or anything like that.

    To get your data from your iPad to your Windows 10, you have to move/copy the vault file to your Windows 10 and the best solution that's easy and automatic is to sync it instead.

    Anyway, I tried connecting Dropbox but the Password says it's either not a "backup" or a "vault folder".

    Did you tell 1Password on your PC to open the 1Password.agilekeychain or 1Password.opvault folder inside your Dropbox folder or did you tell it to open the Dropbox folder itself?

    If the latter, can you open Windows' File Explorer, go to your Dropbox folder, navigate to the Apps > 1Password directory, do you see any folder inside here ending in .opvault or .agilekeychain? If you do, this is the folder you need to tell 1Password to open.

    Do I need to download and login to the same Dropbox that is on the Apple tablet and open it on my Dropbox?

    Yes, it must be the same account you're using in the 1Password app on the iPad and your PC and you must download the Dropbox client from their site, not Microsoft Store.

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