Auto submit not working with Chrome on second or greater tab

I have Windows 8.1 and 1Password for windows, and chrome add-on extension version
If only one tab is opened on Chroma, all works fine. If I use 1password to open a window (say gmail) on a second or subsequent tab, 1password fills in the username/password, but does not do the auto-submit. If I manually click on the submit (or enter or whatever it is) key manually, then the login continues normally.

Any ideas what is causing this or a fix?
Thanks Bill

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @BillSabatine: I'm afraid I wasn't able to reproduce this issue, either with the 4.4.3 extension you're using or the newly released 4.5.0. It's possible that you're just suffering from some glitch there on your system, so please try the following:

    1. Uninstall the 1Password extension from Chrome
    2. Restart Windows
    3. Install a fresh copy from the AgileBits website
    4. See if you're still having the same problem
    5. If so, give me the exact steps you're taking, including the URLs where you're running into trouble, and any other relevant information that I'll need to reproduce it

    For example, are you starting in the main 1Password app, or in the extension? Does Chrome have a blank tab or some sort of start page? Please clarify what you're seeing. If it's simpler, take a screenshot of this. To include it in your reply, simply click the document button in the top of the comment field, and select the file you wish to share:

    Please let me know what you find. I look forward to hearing back from you! :)

  • BillSabatine
    Community Member

    I tried what you suggested and it still does not work. Thank you for trying to help. Interestingly enough, it does work on the Agilebits forum login... but two examples it does not work is gmail and ebay.. but there are many others. Details steps:

    1. Launch Chrome. My home page is, but as far as I can tell it doesn't matter.
      2.Run gmail login from 1Password extension... all ok... log out of gmail..
      3.Open second tab with tab indicator at top (little icon to right of bing tab).
    2. Re-run gmail with 1password extension. Userid/password filled in, but auto submit not selected.
    3. If you click on submit (sign-in) manually, web site logs in just fine.
    4. Another example is same as above, but with ebay... as noted above, it does work fine if doing this with agilebits forum.
  • BillSabatine
    Community Member

    Another interesting point... on that second tab that does not select auto-submit... if I manually select auto-submit (and log in to the site.. say gmail), and then log off the site.. then I can, using the same tab, log back into gmail, and auto-submit works just fine... just seems like the first "open" of a new tab shows the problem on some sites (as I way, forum seems to work all the time).

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @BillSabatine: I think I might have an idea of what the problem is. If you open a new tab and have the address bar focused, it will still be focused rather than the page, so that 1Password can't fill it. If you don't have the address bar focused, does it work as you expect?

    I think the reason I don't notice this behaviour in Chrome is that I don't open a tab manually to open a new login; I have 1Password do that for me: Ctrl Alt \, search, and when I select the login 1Password opens the URL in a new tab and fills it. Does that help?

    This behaviour seems to be specific to Chrome, so I'm not sure if there's anything we can do to change it, but we'll take a look at it. Thanks for bringing this up! :)

  • BillSabatine
    Community Member

    ahhh... you are right. This appears to be the problem. If you open a second tab and then click on the home key or type in a valid URL first, and THEN do 1password, it works.

    For the record, a workaround that I put in place is that there is a Chrome add-n called "new tab re-direct" that uses the same tab icon on the browser, but allows you to specify which web site comes up when you open a new tab. You can put your home page (or whatever), but by doing it this way, you have a valid URL first, and so this issue doesn't occur.

    Thanks brenty. Merry Christmas also!

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Merry Christmas to you too! :chuffed:

    Thanks for sharing your workaround too! I'm glad there are a few options here that can help, and it may be that it will help others who come here with similar questions. To be clear, we're tracking this issue internally, so perhaps we'll be able to find a solution to this with Chrome in the future. Cheers! :)

    ref: OPX-1095

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