Can you be a little more specific about importing from Lastpass with windows?


Is there a step by step memo somewhere?
What are the fields in Lastpass that do not transfer? I use mostly Secure notes and some form fills - is there a simple way to verify what needs manual re-entry?
I do have access to a Mac - would it really speed up the process to convert to 1Password on a Mac, then transfer to Windows (if htat makes sense) ?

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: kb:import-lastpass, kb:import, kb:import-lastpass


  • Hi @XCLN,

    It may be the easiest but our current importer in the Mac app is slightly outdated compared to the import scripts that our community moderator, @MrC, has been working hard on updating and improving the tool for our community here.

    I would recommend following the instruction here, where you can find the PDF to learn how to convert from LastPass to 1Password with the import script:

    1. Download the 1Password utilities here
    2. Unzip the downloaded file.
    3. Copy the convert_to_1p4 folder to your Desktop. (important step)
    4. Open the README.pdf file inside the convert_to_1p4 folder and follow the instructions for the converter you need.

    If you use a lot of secure notes in LastPass, most likely it will be imported as Secure Notes as well in 1Password. We fall back to Secure Notes when it doesn't fit any of our other templates.

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator


    I'll recommend you use the most recent version of the LastPass converter, since I've fixed some bugs and added new features that may interest you. Get the 1.08 version in Testing Bits mentioned in the converter suite.

    Conversion on a Mac is much simpler, since OS X comes with the required environment, and you can use the convenient AppleScript Conversion Helper, whereas on Windows, you'll have a few extra steps to download/prepare that environment. But you must export on the same platform you convert.

  • XCLN
    Community Member
    edited December 2015

    OK - tahnks - let's see how this goes

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator


    Great, I'm here if you need anything, but if not, enjoy 1Password!

  • XCLN
    Community Member
    edited December 2015

    OK - well, I exported from Lastpass (in Firefox), it gave me a windows of 2,000 some lines, which I copied (copy/ paste) to a text file and renamed export.php. Then fired up the 1password importer, and it showed a bunch of lines (errors?) of the type " use of uninitialized value $title in string ne at converter/ line 43, <$in) line 2447 (#1)
    Then 1Password gave me a message re do you want to save "untitled", then do you want to overwrite "untitiled", to which I said no - in the end I got 1520 entries, all under all secure notes, empty each, and no logins.
    Ahem - where did I go wrong? Was there a better way to get the export from lastpass?

    FYI The pip converted file is clearly bad, opening it with and editor I see all secure notes with a line of data ..

    Also the first 2 lines of the export.php file are
    url,username,password,extra,name,grouping,fav,admin,xxxpwdxx,,,Network Devices,0
    So it looks like the first line is a title line, the rest are URLs

    PS.2. OK I saw that the php file had its first two lines blank. So removing them, it looks much better. Now waiting for the conversion to finish

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator


    Which platform did you export on?

  • XCLN
    Community Member

    That was on Windows 7Pro - the conversion finished, and all looks pretty good. Great !

    I guess the only glitch was when copying to a text file from the web page, I didn't notice there were two blank lines at the top. Once they were removed, all went AOK.

    Will be testing how it works now in practice to auto login (as compared with Lastpass), and will clean up the duplicates in Lastpass before redoing the process.


  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator


    If you use the LastPass extension in Firefox to export, as per the README instructions, no copy/paste is required, and it will create the proper file for you.

    Am I understanding the actual conversion process took a long time? It should take seconds...

  • XCLN
    Community Member

    Firefox opened a new tab with the info in there, so the only way to get it was to copy and paste to a local editor window. It may be one of the add-ons (TabMixPlus?) which caused that behavior. Next time I'll disable all add-ons to check this.

    Yes, the conversion took a long time, I would could see the counter go tic tic tic .. ie maybe 1 or 2 conversions per second. That was on a very clean core 2 duo PC, 4GB ram etc; will try on another PC next time.

    But as long as it converted all, that 's great. Only thing, now I have to clean up the Lastpass, because of all the duplicates I had to skip not knowing for sure which ones were good to keep. Par for the course, I should have kept it all tip top clean..

    Thanks !

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator

    @XCLN - there are two places to export your LastPass data from within the browser: 1) form the menu item in the browser's LastPass page, or 2) from the LastPass extension itself. The later is generally what you want.

    I just tested the converter against a 142,560 item wallet. The conversion took 90 seconds, so that's about 1600 items / second, so yours should have taken about 2 seconds. I'm suspecting your A/V or some other process might be interfering. I tested this on both a 2Gb Windows 7 VM and native Windows 7 on almost 4-year old hardware (Core i7-3770K). I know how to optimize the conversion more, but it isn't worth it, since almost nobody will have > 5k items, and I think we can all live with sub-4 second conversions!

  • XCLN
    Community Member

    @MRC - OK, thanks for the clarification - strange about the speed issue, that laptop only runs Microsoft's MSEssentials, will revisit when I do another conversion and let you know.

  • @XCLN - I'm so glad @MrC was able to help you. Please let us know if you have any further questions at any time.

This discussion has been closed.