I created a vault and now it says that it doesn't exist. What could be the reason for this?


I went into my main 1pw account and I tried to pull it up but that's the message I got. What might have happened?

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: windows 7
Sync Type: dropbox
Referrer: forum-search:I created a vault and now it says that it doesn't exist. What could be the reason for this?


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @StephanieDignan: Where did you create the vault? Issues like this are most common if you move the vault to another location (1Password won't be able to find it where it was originally, and doesn't have any way to know that you've moved it or where it might be, only that it isn't there), or you had it in a location whose path changed (different drive letter, etc.) Please let me know what you find. I look forward to hearing back from you! :)

  • StephanieDignan
    Community Member

    I created it within my main 1 password. I shared it with dropbox. I didn't know it could be moved, I just wanted it shared with others. What should I do now?

  • Hi @StephanieDignan,

    If you're sharing a vault in Dropbox, anyone who has access to that folder can do whatever they want with it, including removing it completely. If this happens, you can usually restore from a backup that's stored locally on your drive.

    Just to be clear, 1Password keeps a history of all vaults you've opened. It does not update it if a vault was moved to a different location, like Dropbox. So, you might be opening the same vault that was in your Documents folder but later moved to Dropbox. 1Password doesn't know you've moved it and that's why it prompted you to say it's removing the reference to that vault as it cannot find it.

    First thing is to look in your Dropbox folder where you shared the 1Password folder with others. If you see it, open 1Password, go to the File Menu > Open 1Password Vault and point it to the shared 1Password.agilekeychain or 1Password.opvault folder. It should then work.

  • StephanieDignan
    Community Member

    Someone needs access to one of my accounts so this person needs the passwords to get in so the vault needs to work for him.

    I created a new vault so we could start over. When I went to share it from Windows, I saw "Share With" but I didn't see share. The Share with gave me the option of homegroup (read) or homegroup (read/write). Which one am i selecting?

  • MikeT
    edited January 2016

    Hi @StephanieDignan,

    You can only share the folder where 1Password vault lives in on Dropbox.com's site, here's how: https://www.dropbox.com/help/19

  • StephanieDignan
    Community Member

    I'm trying to share a vault, not a folder, my first step is getting it into dropbox. What do I do once I go to the windows explorer? I didn't see a share.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @StephanieDignan: Sorry for the confusion! The 1Password.agilekeychain vault is treated as a folder in Windows, so that's exactly what you want to do — share the folder. Just right-click on 1Password.agilekeychain in Windows File Explorer, then go to Dropbox > Share This Folder. That's it! :)

  • StephanieDignan
    Community Member

    Hi Brenty-It's not working as easily as you make it sound. This time I right clicked on the file then clicked send to Dropbox. When I go to the apps folder in dropbox, I don't see it.

    The only time I see share is Share With after I right click on the folder.

    Here's what I did:
    1. found the 1pw.agilekeychain in Windows file explorer
    2. Right clicked on the file
    3. clicked on Send to Dropbox
    4. Checked Dropbox

  • Hi @StephanieDignan,

    That sounds like .agilekeychain was not in the Dropbox folder. Can you confirm where you found 1Password.agilekeychain?

    How about we try this a different way, please use this guide to generate the 1Password diagnostic report and email it to us at support+windows@agilebits.com. Also, in the email, include the link to this thread along with your forum username, so that we can connect the email to this thread.

    Let us know here when you've sent it, so we can confirm we got the email.

  • StephanieDignan
    Community Member

    I found it in windows explorer, I'm trying to get it into dropbox. Please ignore the original question, I created a new vault and just want to share it with dropbox.

    I've done this before just not sure the problem now. Can you just confirm if I should right click on the file and click on send to Dropbox? The instructions for sharing a vault say I need to click share but I only see share WITH

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @StephanieDignan: Glad to hear you found it! It may be that I'm misunderstanding what you're trying to do, so let me just clarify:

    (A) Are you trying to sync your 1Password data only with your other devices? (B) Or are you trying to share your 1Password vault with someone else? Both can be accomplished using Dropbox, but the process is different for each.

    If (A) is what you're after, you just need to go to 1Password Preferences > General and click Move to Dropbox. Just note that the vault will still be in Windows File Explorer, just within your Dropbox folder instead of Documents or another location.

    However, if you're trying to share (B), you'll need to follow the Dropbox guide Mike linked earlier:

    Sharing a folder (Dropbox)

    This will allow you to share the 1Password.agilekeychain vault already stored in your Dropbox folder with another Dropbox user.

    I hope this helps. If you're still having trouble, be sure to send us the diagnostics Mike requested so we can help you get things setup. We're here for you! :)

  • StephanieDignan
    Community Member

    Thanks Brenty, I figured it out.

    I was trying to do B. I just got it to Dropbox and shared it so I'll find out if the people that I shared it with can see it thanks.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Ah, excellent! Thanks for the update. I'm glad to hear that all is well. It sounds like you should be all set, but don't hesitate to reach out if we can be of further assistance. We're always here to help! :)

This discussion has been closed.