Does the extension work with Windows 10? I can't find the 1password icon.


Does the extension work with Windows 10? I can't find the 1password icon.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: wi-fi
Referrer: kb:cannot-install-extension, kb:autosave-did-not-appear, kb:save-login-manually, kb:missing-extension-button


  • Hi @henrymlewis,

    Yes, 1Password 4 is fully compatible with Windows 10. However, you're referring to the extension, which means you're referring to a browser, not Windows 10. Can you clarify which browser you're using?

    Are you using Internet Explorer or Microsoft Edge? Microsoft Edge does not support extensions at the moment, Microsoft plans to enable this next year and once that happens, we'll investigate to see if we can support it.

    For Internet Explorer 11, 1Password is compatible with it already, it should be enabled by default. If you don't see the 1Password icon, right-click on the tab bar to select Command Bar and 1Password icon should show up there now.

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