I have uninstalled-reinstalled-rebooted-etc. 6 times, still 1Password will not stay running; ideas?

After using 1Password for a couple of years, suddenly on (a fully Updated) Windows 7, when initiated, 1Password comes-up for ~5 seconds, will not stay running, and "blows away." Then I can not get it to even come-up again without uninstalling-reinstalling-rebooting, etc. I have done this 6 times. Still 1Password will not stay running! Any ideas? (My Company's IT doesn't know a reason. There should be No Firewall issue.) Thank you.

1Password Version: 4.6.0
Extension Version: 592
OS Version: Win 7 6.1.7601 Svc Pak 1 Bld 7601
Sync Type: connected
Referrer: forum-search:1password will not stay running on windows 7


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @BobBOEHME: That's definitely a new one for me. Has something changed on this computer recently that might provide some clue? Your guess will probably be better than mine, I'm afraid, as 1Password for Windows seems to work well on others' Windows 7 machines (including my own).

    You've uninstalled 1Password, reinstalled it, and rebooted, and then it works; is that correct? If I were you, I'd try something only slightly different:

    1. Uninstall 1Password
    2. Restart Windows
    3. Download a fresh copy of the app
    4. Install (restart if prompted to)

    I've encountered plenty of cases where security software would interfere with installing or running 1Password...but the app running and then suddenly closing on its own is very odd indeed. Please let me know what you find! :)

  • One more thing, are you trying to unlock via the Secure Desktop or do you see the main program with the master password field and then it disappears? We do know of a case where if you unlock via the Secure Desktop, it would disappear on its own in a few seconds.

    Can you try unlocking 1Password via the browser extension in your browser to see if it would react differently?

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