Is there any way to use iCloud stored 1Password Vault on Windows?

I have my Primary 1Password Vault synced with iCloud - is there anyway to use the same vault on Windows without syncing with Dropbox?

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:Is there any way to use iCloud stored 1Password Vault on Windows?


  • Hi @kylerphillips,

    That depends. Are you only syncing between computers or is there an iOS device involved as well?

    If iOS devices are involved, then at the moment, there is no way to do this. We use Apple's CloudKit APIs to power the sync with your iCloud account but that's not yet available on Windows or rather not production-ready. iCloud Drive is a separate service that runs on top of CloudKit but it is not what we use to sync your data.

    If you only sync between computers, than you could use iCloud Drive instead and configure the Mac app to sync its data to the folder in your iCloud Drive, rather than using CloudKit-powered iCloud Sync.

  • kylerphillips
    Community Member

    Thanks @MikeT - currently I do use iOS devices as well that are involved with the iCloud syncing.

    Is it something that Apple have in the pipeline or might we not see it for a while? Having CloudKit for Windows?

  • MikeT
    edited January 2016

    Hi @kylerphillips,

    Is it something that Apple have in the pipeline or might we not see it for a while? Having CloudKit for Windows?

    Unfortunately, we don't know. Apple is known for its secrecy and vague future plans.

    One thing we do know is that Apple is opening up CloudKit for web services via their CloudKit JS/Web Services API. We're not entirely sure if it can be used for apps on Windows yet. We suspect it is a little too early for Apple to say anything and we might hear more about this during the summer at their next WWDC conference.

    We're always keeping an eye out on this and we'd love to bring it over to Windows if possible.

    However, for now, you would have to choose Dropbox to keep 1Password syncing between Mac, Windows, and iOS. There is a different method where you could use Folder Sync to sync the data between your computers and use one PC or Mac as the Wi-Fi server to sync with your iOS devices. If you'd like the iCloud sync, you'd prefer Dropbox rather than Wi-Fi as Wi-Fi is a bit cumbersome to use.

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