License issue

Can I purchase a license for my iPad, Windows device and android phone and combine them all?

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: kb:license-requirements


  • Hi @hws814,

    If you mean a single license for all platforms, then no, that is not possible at the moment. Apple and Google doesn't share the information with the app developers on who bought the apps, and there are no licenses for both iOS and Android. The apps are registered with your Apple ID and Google Play ID accounts, not with the license keys, these accounts are not shared with us.

    For now, you'd have to pay for each app separately, the mobile apps can be bought in-app while you can purchase the Windows license at our web store here:

    At the moment, we are also working on the upcoming 1Password for Teams service where you can pay a monthly fee and get all 1Password apps on all platforms included in the plan. Right now, it is for teams only but a plan for family and individual is coming in the future.

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