Dropbox sync with iPhone and iPad


I'm using 1Password on my Windows PC for some time now. The Vault file is on my local drive D:.

Now I also installed 1Password on my iPhone and iPad. As I would like to keep my Vault file on my drive D:, I copy after every change the file to my dropbox. Then I sync in my iPhone and IPad every time with the Vault file on dropbox.

The Problem I'm getting is the following:

  • On the iPhone and iPad it does show the correct amount of Folders but not the right amount of entries within the Folder. In one Folder in 1Password on my PC I have over 150 entries but it shows only 64.
  • It also does'nt show me all the Tags I defined in 1Password on my PC in the iPhoen and iPad

I deleted all the files in the iPhoen and iPad and synched again. With more or less the same result.

Can you please help.

Thank you very much.

Happy new year from Switzerland

1Password Version:
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Windows 10
Sync Type: Dropbox


  • MikeT
    edited January 2016

    Hi @Imbi,

    1Password would let you sync directly to your Dropbox folder while setting the backups to be stored on a different drive, this would be the same as what you're doing now, only automatic. The backups are direct copies of your 1Password folder. Doing things manually could cause problems over time with sync conflicts instead of 1Password only updating certain files that is less likely to result into the said conflicts.

    If we put aside the tags and folders, do everything else work? In other words, if you make changes to certain items on PC, do they show up on the iOS devices correct and vis versa from iOS to PC?

    What happens when you edit the affected tagged items to add another tag, does it remove the missing tags on your iOS devices or does it append the new tag to the saved tags for you while only showing two tags or so on PC?

  • Imbi
    Community Member

    Hi Mike

    Thank you so much for your fast answer.

    I know that it would sync automatically on dropbox. But if possible, I would like to have the main data on my PC and back it up to the Dropbox. But if that causes the issues I have, I will certainly change that.

    Yes, everything else works just fine. If I do changes on the PC it syncs correctly on the IPhone and iPad. Vis versa I have not tried Yet. Just the folders and tags don't work correctly.

    Yes, when I edit an affected Tag on the PC the edited tag appears on the iPhone just the entries in there are missing sometimes. Strange enough, ist doesn't behave the same every time and also not the same on the iPhone and the iPad.

    Could it be, that not all relevant files and folders are copied to Dropbox and I get the conflict?

    If so, I will have to put all the password files on Dropbox.

    Thanks again for your help.

    Kind regards,

  • Hi @imbi,

    I know that it would sync automatically on dropbox. But if possible, I would like to have the main data on my PC and back it up to the Dropbox. But if that causes the issues I have, I will certainly change that.

    I'm not sure I understand, are you configuring 1Password to store your backups in your Dropbox folder while you are manually copying the actual 1Password data folder to your Dropbox folder as well?

    The Dropbox folder on your PC is a local folder that is in sync with the data on Dropbox's servers, it is not storing a reference to data. When you make a change to your data, it is saved in the main PC's drive first and then Dropbox will upload it to their server. There are two copies in place here.

    We do recommend that you use 1Password to sync directly to the Dropbox folder.

    Could it be, that not all relevant files and folders are copied to Dropbox and I get the conflict?

    I'm not quite sure yet. Could you send us your 1Password diagnostics report, so we can figure this out for you. Please use this guide to generate the report to email to us. Also, in the email, include the link to this thread along with your forum username.

    Let us know here when you've sent it, so we can confirm we got the email.

  • Imbi
    Community Member

    Hi Mike

    Again, thanks for your reply.

    I will send you tomorrow all the requsted information and also a detailed message of the exact problem. I'm on the road right now and have no access to my data.

    Have a nice evening.

  • You have a great evening as well, we'll be here whenever you're ready.

  • Imbi
    Community Member

    Hi Mike

    I moved the 1Password folder from my PC to the Dropbox, as you mentioned, and now everything is ok. After the sync with the iPhone and iPad, all the taps and Folder did get synchronized without any problems.

    The backup of 1Password data is stored in C:\Users\Imbi\Documents\1Password\Backups.

    So, I'm all happy, the problem is solved and you can close this care.

    Once again, thank you very much for your help and patience.

    Regards from Switzerland,

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Excellent! Thanks for the update. On behalf of MikeT, you are most welcome! I'm glad to hear that all is well. It sounds like you should be all set, but don't hesitate to reach out if we can be of further assistance. We're always here to help. Happy new year to you too! :)

  • Imbi
    Community Member

    Hi Brenty and Mike

    Unfortunately, the problem is back again. :-(

    Please let me explain. Everything works well exept the folders do not sync properly to the iPhone and iPad with my PC. I use Windows 10 and the vault file is on Dropbox. I use an iPhone 8sPlus and an iPad2 with the latest 1Password apps.

    So, I have exported all the 269 entries in 1 Password, created a new vault and imported all the 269 entries again in the hope that this will solve the problem. Unfortunately it did not.

    All the taps and all the entries are synced perfectly well. But not the Folders. I have 8 folders on my PC and all the 8 folers get synced ok to the iPhone and also the iPad. But not the contents of the folders.

    For examle, in one of the Folders (SNM) I have 15 entries on the PC and in the Folder (Physio&Sport) 10 entries. Then I delete all the entries in the iPad and iPhone and sync again via dropbox. Now, the Folder (SNM) is empty and the (Physo&Sport) folder only has 7 entries instead of 10. If I do this many times, I get different entries in the Folders.

    What I have found out is, if I have 1Password open on the iPad and iPhone, and on the PC I move the entries from SNM to the "unassigned" Folder and move them back to the SNM Folder, the Folder gets updated correctly and imediately on the iPhone and iPad.

    Is there anything I do wrong?

    Thank you again for your help.

    Regards from cold Switzerland,

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @Imbi: I don't think you've done anything wrong. In fact, I believe we may have identified the issue. One option that should work is to reinstall the iOS app and resync the data, keeping the iOS device awake to ensure that the initial sync completes (and doesn't time out due to iOS shutting 1Password down for device sleep).

    It appears that folders are getting messed up when an AgileKeychain sync ends prematurely. We're investigating the cause, and hopefully a fix for this in 1Password for iOS. Note that OPVault format does not seem to suffer from this issue, so switching to the new format is another good option. Sorry again for the trouble. I look forward to hearing back from you!

    ref: OPI-3299

  • Imbi
    Community Member

    Hi Brenty

    Thanks for your reply.

    I did reinstall the iOS app and did a resync the data, but the Problem is the same.

    I guess the best is to wait for the fix for the iOS.

    Thanks again for your help.

    Take care,

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    I'm sorry that didn't help. Is it the same result exactly, or are there different folder results now? Thanks so much for your patience and understanding. We'll get to the bottom of this!

  • Hi @lmbi,

    Could you email us your diagnostic report from your iOS devices with the issue, so we can confirm it is the issue. Please use this guide to generate the report to email to us. Also, in the email, include the link to this thread along with your forum username.

    Let us know here when you've sent it, so we can confirm we got the email.

This discussion has been closed.