Custom Icons not Syncing with iPad through Dropbox

I am using custom icons for some of my login entries in 1Password for Windows following the instructions in your user guide, but no file is updated in my vault folder (1Password.opvault) located in Dropbox. This way, when I sync my vault with my iPad, these custom icons are not showing on 1Password for iOS.

In your user guide you state that 'Custom icons are included with your 1Password data, so they sync to other 1Password installations.', but it does not seem true from what I see, and I am currently using the latest 1Password versions available for each platform.

As a side note, this Favicon/Rich Icon/Custom Icon thing is a bit confusing. I never know which one I am using in login entries I added some time ago.

Are there true rich icons (from AgileBits database) in 1Password for Windows or are they always favicons downloaded from every website?

Why does 1Password not show favicons/rich icons in the details view but instead the generic icon for a login item? However, if I add the very same icon as a custom icon it is shown indeed (well, not always, I observe mixed results depending on the favicon image format).

Also, a lot of rich icons (downloaded from AgileBits database) shown in my iPad are outdated, even for really well-known websites.

1Password Version:
Extension Version:
OS Version: Windows 8.1 Pro x64
Sync Type: Dropbox


  • MikeT
    edited January 2016

    Hi @vikaesar,

    Rich Icons are downloaded on the fly from our image service into a local cache on your devices, it is not stored with your 1Password data. We do not update them often to save bandwidth, each Rich Icon do have an expiration period and once it expires, we'll scan to see if it needs to be refreshed with a new icon. If not, it will be left alone.

    Custom icons are the ones you manually add to your items, these will be saved to your item's metadata in your 1Password data files.

    Why does 1Password not show favicons/rich icons in the details view but instead the generic icon for a login item? However, if I add the very same icon as a custom icon it is shown indeed (well, not always, I observe mixed results depending on the favicon image format).

    This is, at the moment, normal because of the different sizes we have stored on the image services doesn't fit the much bigger details view's size constraints. Right now, they're fit for the list view on top but the detail views need bigger ones we don't have yet. We're planning to fix this in the future.

    For now, custom icons will work because we usually get the big images and convert them to fit the constraints we want. As long as they're PNG and 32x32 or bigger, it should work.

    Also, a lot of rich icons (downloaded from AgileBits database) shown in my iPad are outdated, even for really well-known websites.

    If you have the bandwidth, you can force the local cache to be reset by turning off Rich Icons and turn it back on via the Settings > General in the 1Password for iOS apps. Like on PC, there are size constraints as well; if the site only updated the favicon and not the bigger images, the Rich Icon service only have the favicon as the latest while the bigger ones remain the outdated one. We have to update the bigger ones manually at the moment, which will be replaced with automated tasks in the future.

    One more thing, on Windows, the 1Password app only downloads Rich Icons for Login items. iOS can handle Software Licenses in addition to Logins.

  • vikaesar
    Community Member

    Hi @MikeT,

    Custom icons are the ones you manually add to your items, these will be saved to your item's metadata in your 1Password data files.

    That's precisely the problem. My custom icons are not being saved to my login item's metadata. When I add a custom icon to one of my login items, Dropbox does not show any recently changed files in my vault. None of my added custom icons on 1Password for Windows are syncing to 1Password for iOS, and they are using the same vault synchronized with Dropbox.

    We have to update the bigger ones manually at the moment, which will be replaced with automated tasks in the future.

    Maybe this is the reason I'm seeing the outdated icons, as I own the iPad Air 2. Anyways, a better icon management would be much appreciated.

  • Hi @vikaesar,

    My custom icons are not being saved to my login item's metadata. When I add a custom icon to one of my login items, Dropbox does not show any recently changed files in my vault.

    Are you checking for the .1Password or band_*.js changes? The main data folder itself won't be updated but the individual data files will be.

    Could you email us your diagnostic reports from 1Password, we may be able to get an idea of what's going on in there. Please use this guide to generate the report to email to us. Also, in the email, include the link to this thread along with your forum username.

    Let us know here when you've sent it, so we can confirm we got the email.

  • vikaesar
    Community Member

    Are you checking for the .1Password or band_*.js changes? The main data folder itself won't be updated but the individual data files will be.

    I'm using the OPVault data format, so I'm checking the band_*.js file changes. If I delete the icon from a login item, a change is registered in one of these files. However, whenever I add or replace a custom icon, no file is changed as a result.

    Could you email us your diagnostic reports from 1Password, we may be able to get an idea of what's going on in there.

    I'll do as you say.

  • It's strange because if it didn't update the file, how is it displaying it in the first place the next time you open the program? We're reading directly from these files and nowhere else. This will be interesting to figure out.

    Please do ping us here when it is sent.

  • vikaesar
    Community Member

    Hi again,

    I've sent the report.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @vikaesar: Thanks! I see that we've received your email, so we can continue the conversation there. We'll take a look at the diagnostics and get back to you shortly! :)

    ref: IUW-38353-743

This discussion has been closed.