Category changed after syncing

I had several entries in my vault filed as 'accounts' which synced well with my iPhone / iPad. However, later I installed another copy of 1password on my new laptop (in Windows 10) and then added another version of 1password to OS X on the same laptop (it's a Mac Pro) and now all entries which were previously listed under 'Accounts' changed to 'Logins', and it there seems to be no way to changed them back to 'Accounts'. I'd really like to understand why that happened and is there a way to change the category of an entry / move it under a different category etc.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Hi @Pargeo,

    Accounts and Wallet groups and some of its categories have been phased out a few years ago but we haven't removed it yet in the Windows program. Most of the Account categories has been converted to Logins.

    If changes were made to certain Account items in the Mac or iOS apps, they would be migrated to Logins automatically because the old ones no longer exists in the latest 1Password versions on Mac, iOS and Android, plus the upcoming 1Password version for Windows 10. It will be removed completely in a future update to the regular Windows version of 1Password.

    For now, you can remove the groupings in the Windows program by going to the View Menu to deselect Wallet and Account groups.

  • Pargeo
    Community Member

    Thanks for the reply, MikeT. I guess this is the case as I certainly tried to edit some of the items with my iOS / Mac software.

    Your answer also implies no change in 'category' is possible and once you've created an item, it will stay in the same 'category' forever. Well, consider this a feature request - make the entire 'category' class (and whatever sub-categories to this class may be) user customizable and provide the user with a set of standard icons they can use to further identify their items. This way the entire rigid 'category' structure may easily be phased out.

    (I used 'SPB Wallet' software before which was fully user-customizable. I'd love to see something like this in 1Password.)

  • Hi @Pargeo,

    That is correct, it is not yet possible to convert categories. A custom category support is something we're very interested in doing. We've started the progress toward that by adding support for custom fields and sections, categories would be the next step.

    If you'd like, there's a way to do semi-custom template that you can duplicate from. Read my post here on how to do that.

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