Firefox extension not responding

This discussion was created from comments split from: Firefox 43.0.2 [Reinstall the Firefox extension to get the signed version].


  • justanotherokie
    Community Member

    In Win10 with Firefox 43.02 and 1Password Addon 4.5.1 the 1PW icon doesn't respond periodically. Either closing all browser windows, or disabling / enabling the addon fixes it.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @justanotherokie: This sounds like a very different issue than the one in the other discussion, so I've split you off into a new one.

    Can you provide some more details, such as the 1Password version you're using, and more specific information about how frequently this occurs and for how long? I haven't encountered this myself, but I wonder if you're leaving the browser open with a lot of windows/tabs for an extended period of time; there may be a memory issue there. Please let me know what you find! :)

  • Hi @justanotherokie,

    One more thing, how many Firefox windows are we talking about here in your typical session? We've seen weird issues when there are too many Firefox windows opened before and I was wondering if you could try using one Firefox window for a while to see if this issue would reoccur and if not, does it pop up as soon as you open a few more windows?

  • justanotherokie
    Community Member

    One thing is certain it's when I have had a lot of activity going on in Firefox. I have 16gb ram so on the surface that is ruled out but it could be some kind of resource overload. It hasn't happened for a while and my Firefox Version has jumped to 43.0.4 which may be the solution. I like those that go away by themselves.

    When is the Windows 10 version coming out? I have been somewhat disappointed since parting ways with my MBP.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    It hasn't happened for a while and my Firefox Version has jumped to 43.0.4 which may be the solution. I like those that go away by themselves.

    @justanotherokie: Me too! :lol:

    But in all seriousness, be sure to let us know if you run into any further trouble.

    It isn't clear that it's due to running out of RAM, as I've encountered similar issues with too many tabs/windows on my 16GB machine as well. It seems like the browser may be aggressively killing tab processes in the background. I appreciate the effort there since I'm often running on battery power, but browsers (and OSes) just weren't designed with this in mind; power savings features have been slowly added over time.

    When is the Windows 10 version coming out? I have been somewhat disappointed since parting ways with my MBP.

    We've actually got two apps that run on Windows 10: 1Password for Windows (desktop app) and the new 1Password for Windows 10 beta (which is universal, and will work on any Windows 10 device).

    I hope this helps. Be sure to let me know if you have any questions! :)

  • justanotherokie
    Community Member

    I just tried Windows 10 version, it looks very promising.

  • Hi @justanotherokie,

    I'm glad to hear that and it is just the beginning. It will become better quickly and will gain more features over time.

  • justanotherokie
    Community Member

    I've worked with WPF/XAML some myself, and it's a steep learning curve.

  • The results are worth it once it is implemented correctly by us. Hi-DPI right out of the box for WPF/XAML apps among a few other things we can get built-in that is more difficult to pull off for Win32 apps.

This discussion has been closed.