Updating a login item deletes its tags


I have noticed that changing the password for some of my web accounts sometimes triggers the 1Password replace dialog box and some other times the 1Password update dialog box. In the former case, I am allowed to keep my tags (as well as the rest of its fields) for the login item. However, in the latter case all of the login item tags are removed.

Is this the intended behavior or some kind of bug?

1Password Version:
Extension Version:
OS Version: Windows 8.1 Pro x64
Sync Type: Dropbox


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @vikaesar: Hmm. I'm not seeing this behaviour, so I wonder if it's site-specific. Can you provide an example URL (and the browser version you're using)? Thanks in advance! :)

  • vikaesar
    Community Member


    Yes, it is site-specific. I observe three different scenarios depending on the website I am changing my password:

    1. I change my account password and nothing happens (1Password does not detect the change). The next time I sign in and enter my new credentials, 1Password gives me the choice to create a new login item or replace the one existing in my vault. This works right, as the replace dialog box allows me to keep the existing tags or edit them. Ex. dropbox.com
    2. I change my account password and 1Password detects the change and triggers the replace dialog box. From now on, the same as before. Everything is ok.
    3. I change my account password and 1Password detects the change and triggers the update dialog box. I can only accept or reject the login item update. No other choice (edit option) is given. If I choose 'Yes', then the password is correctly updated, but all tags are gone. This seems like a bug to me, as this is always the result when I update a login item this way. Ex: ebay.es

    PS: I am using Google Chrome version 47.0.2526.106 m (64-bit).

  • Hi @vikaesar,

    Thanks for the details, that does help narrow it down. It should be the same Replace Login dialog in #3, it seems like we might have an extension bug when it detected the password change form. We'll investigate this issue.

    When you did #3, can you tell me if you have more than one Login item for ebay.es or just one? What about #2, did you have one or more?

  • vikaesar
    Community Member

    Hi again,

    I had just one Login item when I did both #2 and #3. This is the case most of the times I change a password, as I usually have a unique account for every website.

  • Hi @vikaesar,

    Unfortunately, I cannot reproduce this. I was changing my password on ebay.com and got this prompt:

    The tags were retained. How many tags did you have? I tested with one tag. Was there anything strange about the tags itself, do they have symbols in it, or anything out of the norms? I'd like to try again but some sites will lock you out if you do this too many times, so the more info you can give me about your tags structure, the more I can figure this out.

    Also, if you're going to try this again, can you install the latest beta version of the 1Password extension in Chrome, it might help. To do this;

    1. Open Chrome, right-click on the 1Password icon to select Remove from Chrome...
    2. Open this page in Chrome and click the Enable betas below the green button and press Install.
    3. Now, restart Chrome once 1Password is installed and try again, see if updating your password will retain the tags.
  • vikaesar
    Community Member

    Hi MikeT,

    That's the same dialog box I see when changing passwords whose tags are deleted. With regard to the tags, I use several of them (8 max.) for every Login item, and they are alphanumeric with dashes to separate the multiword ones. For instance, for ebay I'm using the following tags:

    • auctions
    • second-hand
    • shopping
    • store

    I'll try the beta extension and give you more feedback.

  • Thanks, I'll test these tags and see if that might be it.

  • Hi @vikaesar,

    Just an update, I did try with 10 tags, including all the ones you mentioned and no issues.

    Could you try something else;

    1. Create a brand new item for the same site, enter the same username/password data and 8 tags you're using
    2. Force the password update and see if it retains the tags.

    I'm trying to pinpoint to make sure it is not specific to your items.

  • vikaesar
    Community Member
    edited January 2016


    I'm sorry for the delay. I've been busy these days and couldn't try anything.

    Today I've noticed something I didn't realize before: when I update a Login item (and I mean by clicking 'Update' on the update dialog box) I created days before, then its tags are kept, that is, everything is working just fine. I've checked it four times with different Login items. However, the bug I reported arises when I follow this procedure:

    1. I open Google Chrome
    2. I open 1Password main window application
    3. I unlock my vault
    4. I go back to Google Chrome and sign in to a website that is not present in my 1Password vault
    5. 1Password browser extension prompts me to save the Login information and I do so
    6. I go back to 1Password main window application and add a custom icon for the Login item just created (right-clicking on the item and clicking on the "Select icon..." context menu option)
    7. I go back to Google Chrome and change the password using the form provided by the website to that end
    8. 1Password browser extension detects the password change and triggers the update dialog box. I choose 'Update'
    9. I go back to 1Password main window application and check the Login item. Password information has been correctly updated but the tags have been deleted

    After trying several times with a number of Login items I observe the bug only appears if I create the Login item and update its password in one session without having locked the vault or restarted Windows in the meantime.

    PS: I'm still using the stable 1Password extension for Google Chrome, by the way.

  • Hi @vikaesar,

    That's three edits in the same session, it sounds like 1Password did a Replace rather than an Update, which would remove the tags and other stuff.

    We'll test this and see if we can reproduce it.

  • Hi @vikaesar,

    I still cannot reproduce this, which site did you test this with?

  • vikaesar
    Community Member
  • Hi @vikaesar,

    I can get the Update dialog but there's no removal of tags either. I did the same thing as you did, multiple edits in the same session and it retained them all.

    Can you do me a favor and test this with a fake account on gamestracker.com:

    1. Open the main 1Password program and go to the File Menu > New Demo 1Password Vault, select the (.agilekeychain) in the Save as type.
    2. Save this to your primary drive, do not store it in any cloud folders. I'd suggest your Documents > 1Password directory.
    3. Try to repeat this with a fake account on gamestracker, any differences?

    I'm wondering if your sync might be interfering wiith this.

  • vikaesar
    Community Member
    edited January 2016

    Hi again,

    I've tried what you ask me and it works. Tags have been kept for the gamestracker.com Login item in the demo 1Password vault.

  • vikaesar
    Community Member
    edited January 2016

    After my previous test, I've tried the same again with my personal vault with the same fake gamestracker.com account and tags are deleted.

    And... I've created another demo 1Password vault in my Documents > 1Password directory, but using the .opvault format instead, and tried the same and tags are deleted. It seems the bug I'm getting is somehow related to the OPVault format.

  • MikeT
    edited January 2016

    Hi @vikaesar,

    Can you email us at support+windows@agilebits.com with the link to this thread included. We need to try something else because I cannot reproduce this even with the same demo vault in OPVault on the same site, the tags are consistently retained in several tries.

This discussion has been closed.