NSPOSIXErrorDomainCode=60: {Issue trying to use Wi-Fi sync with McAfee]

Community Member
edited January 2016 in 1Password 4 for Windows

iPhone 6 - Windows 7 Trying to WiFi sync. It finds the computer, and accepts the secret, but when syncing I get this error:
NSPOSIXErrorDomainCode=60 "Operation Timed out". My network has a hidden SSID. Is that a problem?
PS - Firewall rule is in for 1Password

1Password Version: 6.1.2
Extension Version:
OS Version: Windows 7 SP1 x64
Sync Type: WiFi
Referrer: kb-search:hidden ssid


  • wandathomas
    Community Member

    I'm making progress but in over my head. My bad, I did not use the troubleshoot tips I just found. Using those, I disable my McAfee firewall and was able to sync. When I look at the McAfee connection info for 1Password, all it says is "Use designated ports (recommended)" which is the current setting. My only other options are "Outgoing only" and "Block". There is also a "Net Guard" which is on - have no idea what that is. I thought I saw something on the connection log about port 6262 but I don't see any way to configure that and McAfee was not listed in your list of Firewall software settings.
    Sorry I missed the instructions earlier; but I think I've exhausted my resources at this point.....

  • Hi @wandathomas,

    Thanks for taking the time to write in. I'm sorry to hear McAfee's firewall is preventing you from syncing 1Password. Unfortunately I'm not familiar with McAfee's product or settings, but ideally you'd be able to set it to allow any connections from 1Password. Is there any way to specify what the "designated ports" are? Does setting it to outgoing only work?

    Please let us know.


    P.S. I'm moving this over to our Windows forum as I believe some of my colleagues who work more closely with Windows may have more experience with McAfee.

  • Hi @wandathomas,

    1Password.exe isn't the only one you need to whitelist, you also need to whitelist Bonjour. Basically, you need to whitelist these files and their ports:

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Bonjour\mdnsresponder.exe 
    Port 5353 (UDP)
    C:\Program Files (x86)\1Password 4\1Password.exe 
    Port 6263 (TCP)

    Can you tell me which version of McAfee you have? They have different products and it is difficult to figure out what you need to do without knowing which product you're using.

    I don't know if this will work as I'm looking at a guide online for McAfee AntiVirus Plus but it doesn't tell me which version the guide is for. Try this:

    1. Open Mcafee, click on the Firewall:On on top left to expand it, you should see Settings option show up on the right side.
    2. Click on Program Permissions below
    3. Click on Add button on the bottom.
    4. For Program, click on Browse to go to C:\Program Files (x86)\1Password 4\ to select 1Password.exe.
    5. For Access, select Full.
    6. Press save and now, do this again for Bonjour, click on Add again and select C:\Program Files (x86)\Bonjour\mdnsresponder.exe and save this.

    After this, try again to see if Wi-Fi sync will work now. You may have to reboot if it doesn't work the first time.

    I hope this helps.

  • wandathomas
    Community Member
    edited January 2016

    Yeah!! It's working. For future reference. I have McAfee Home Security which provides a GUI for administering the firewall services/ports. Neither Bonjour or 1Password were active, so I added those listed above to the "Ports and System Services" list as Local and no Internet access. I also had to uncheck the "Netguard" on those services in order to finally get it working. Thanks so much for your help.

  • MikeT
    edited January 2016

    That's super great to hear and thanks for letting us know what you had to do to fix it.

    We'll see if we can write up a guide to make it easier for users in the future. /cc @AlexHoffmann

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