Masterpassword not working

how can this be fixed?


  • Hi @susee320 - I'm so sorry your Master Password is not working. For your privacy and security, your Master Password is known only by you. We cannot reset it for you and you cannot change it without entering the old one. There is also no "back door" to access your data without the Master Password. If there were, that would be a security hole that could be exploited to gain access to your secure information.

    Are you sure you are selecting the correct 1Password vault to open? Can you click on File > Re-Open 1Password Vault - do you see a selection of vaults to open there? Are you selecting the correct one?

    Also make sure you don't have caps lock ON.

    Please let us know how you get on with this. Thanks :)

  • Hi @susee320,

    We have a guide with common suggestions that often helps, please read this guide to see if it helps in any way.

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