Wrong Credit Card Number


When I use the 1Password add-on in Firefox to fill in credit card details for one of my cards it fills in the correct expiry date but the wrong credit card number.

If I right-click the card in the add-on to display the details it shows the correct card number and if I check the card in the main 1Password application the details are also correct and I can't see the incorrect number stored anywhere.

Please can you help?

1Password Version:
Extension Version: 4.5.1
OS Version: Windows 10 64bit
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:Wrong card number


  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni
    edited January 2016

    @RogueWolf, I'm sorry you're having that problem!

    Can you tell us in what way the card number is wrong? In other words, is 1Password filling in just part of the number saved in your Credit Card item, or does it seem to be using an entirely different credit card number?

    If it's the latter (just the wrong credit card number altogether), do you have any other Credit Card items stored in 1Password, and (if you do) does one of them have the number that's being used by 1Password for the one you're trying to use?

  • Hi @RogueWolf,

    It is possible the way the site designed the credit card fields has confused 1Password as what to fill. Can you tell us if it happens on other sites as well or just one site?

  • RogueWolf
    Community Member

    @DBrown 1Password is filling in a completely different card number to the one stored on the Credit Card item. I do have other Credit Card items stored in 1Password but, strangely, none of them have the number which 1Password is using to fill fields. I may have updated the card number when the last card expired but, if so, I can't remember what the old card number was to be able to check.

    @MikeT Hi Mike, it does happen on other sites but it's possible that they're all using the same payment processor (maybe Stripe). I'll see if I can find a few other sites to test.

  • RogueWolf
    Community Member

    @DBrown @MikeT I've just tried using the Credit Card autofill on three different sites (2 using Stripe, 1 using their own form) and the wrong card number was filled on all three. Very puzzling!

  • Hi @RogueWolf,

    Thanks for the details about the card expiration + updating the card number, that made me think of a possible cause. Have you been using 1Password for a long time and more specifically, that credit card item?

    Try to create a brand new credit card item and enter the new card number there, and then delete the old credit card item. Now, test it again and see if it works better now.

  • RogueWolf
    Community Member

    No problem @MikeT. I have been using 1Password for quite a while and that Credit Card item will have been there more-or-less since the beginning.

    I've just recreated the item and tested it on the same sites as yesterday and that seems to have done the trick.

    Would you consider building something in to 1Password to check for this issue? I previously ended up triggering the fraud lock on my card when I didn't notice 1Password had filled in the incorrect number, meaning I had to call my bank to verify the attempted transactions, which was a bit of a pain.

    Many thanks for your help though!

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Sorry for the trouble! I'm glad it's working for you now. It sounds like there may have been some legacy data there that was causing some confusion. We'll see if there's something we can do to avoid this in the future.

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