1Password 4 for Windows / 1Password for Windows 10 (beta)


A friend wants to buy a license for 1Password (he has a laptop with Windows 10).
I saw that a new beta version of 1Password is available for Windows 10.

What can he do? Buy a license of 1Password 4 for Windows, or wait and buy a license of 1Password for Windows 10 when available?

Thank you.

Best regards,

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @Master0: There are some important differences to keep in mind here:

    1Password for Windows (AgileBits Store)

    • Stable, with years of work behind it
    • Developed primarily for traditional desktop Windows
    • Can integrate with web browsers
    • Supports OPVault and AgileKeychain vaults locally and for syncing
    • Trial mode with option to purchase full license and remove restrictions

    1Password for Windows 10 (Windows Store)

    • Beta, using the latest Universal Windows frameworks
    • Developed with touch interfaces in mind (tablets, phones, but will run on Windows 10 anywhere)
    • Has a built-in browser
    • Limited OPVault and AgileKeychain support (read-only, with editing on the way)
    • Full 1Password for Teams support
    • Completely free during beta

    Honestly, the desktop app will probably always be more powerful, since it doesn't have to deal with sandboxing restrictions. And if your friend is using a laptop, its keyboard and mouse interface may be the most comfortable.

    However, I'd encourage your friend to try both for free to see what they prefer. And consider getting the desktop app from the AgileBits Store before the sale ends, since we can refund the purchase any time within 30 days if they decide against it.

    I hope this helps. Let me know if you have any other questions! :)

  • Master0
    Community Member

    Hi @brenty,

    Thanks for your fast reply. He will try both versions of 1Password.
    If he has made a choice, I'll let you know.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Any time! And make sure he knows we're here if either of you have any questions. Cheers! :)

  • Master0
    Community Member
    edited January 2016

    Hi @brenty,

    After two days, (yes, two days :)) he can not live without 1Password 4 for Windows. His words about 1Password: 'Great app' and 'I love it'
    Later today, he will buy a license for 1Password 4 for Windows.

    I also told him that he can ask questions about 1Password on this support forum.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @Master0: Woohoo! That's awesome! Looking forward to welcoming them to our extended family. :chuffed:

    Also, I'll send you a private message with some additional information for your friend, so be sure to check for that. Cheers! :)

  • Master0
    Community Member

    Hi @brenty,

    Thank you :) Thanks for your private message.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Any time! Hope it helps. Happy new year! :) :+1:

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