How to use backslash keyboard shortcut on non English keyobard

I see a lot of shortcuts have \ key combo. In Slovenian keyboard, I can type that key with combination Alt gr (right Alt) + Q. But as shortcut combination that won't work. What to do?

1Password Version: (12)
Extension Version: (Google Chrome)
OS Version: 6.2.920
Sync Type: Dropbox
Referrer: kb:keyboard-shortcuts


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @Mirtma: No problem! You can change the login keyboard shortcut in 1Password Preferences > Logins. Holding Alt as well as the shortcut you set will always open the menu instead of just filling. I hope this helps! :)

  • Mirtma
    Community Member

    I've tried different keys (Ctrl + "anything") but nothing seems to work.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @Mirtma: Can you elaborate on the "nothing seems to work" part? Are you getting some sort of an error? :fearful:

  • Mirtma
    Community Member

    Sorry, it was bad statement. Pressing shortcut does nothing. No error. Like there is no shortcut.

  • MikeT
    edited January 2016

    Hi @mirtma,

    When you set the shortcut in 1Password's preference, did you hear any error beep? Usually, when you add a new shortcut and you hear a beep, it means it has been reserved by something else.

    Can you try something more simple instead, like Shift + < on your keyboard. After you set this to be the shortcut, restart 1Password Helper by going the Help Menu > Restart 1Password Helper and restart your browser, does the shortcut work now in on your sites?

  • Mirtma
    Community Member

    I can't set Shift (it automatically set Ctrl). But the step I was missing was restarting 1Password Helper. Now, that I've restarted it, shortcut works. Thank you for your help!

  • That's great to hear, thanks for letting us know!

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @Mirtma: Ah, sorry for the confusion! We'll see what we can do to make it easier in the future. Thanks so much for your patience!

    ref: OPW-531

  • Mirtma
    Community Member

    No problem. I'm happy that I bought great tool and with shortcut working is even more useful. Thank you for quick support.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Any time! Thank you for your support. We couldn't do what we do without you and the rest of our awesome customers! We're here if you need anything else. :)

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