My work vault got very out of sync with my personal vault. What can I do?

I have 1Password on four devices - my home PC, my iPad, my iPhone, and my work PC. They all used to sync just fine. I think the problem came about when I signed up for a separate Dropbox account for work probably over a year ago. It took me a while to realize my work computer somehow copied my vault (probably my fault - I have a vague recollection that I did something that sort of tickled my "hmmmm, that might not have been the right thing to do" sense) and put it in my work Dropbox, so I now have two vaults - one personal, one work. There are nine items in my work vault that aren't in my personal vault, and 12 items in my personal vault that aren't in my work vault; and I can only imagine how many variances there are between items they have in common.I would like to merge the two vaults and have all devices point to the single resulting vault. How do I go about doing this? Or is there another solution that you recommend?

1Password Version:, 6.1.2, 5.5, don't know my home version
Extension Version: (Work pc)
OS Version: iPad:9.2(13C75); iPhone:8.3(12F70); wkPC:Windows 7
Sync Type: Dropbox
Referrer: kb:vault-mismatch-error, kb-search:merge vaults, kb:share-vault, kb-search:merge vaults, kb:switch-to-dropbox


  • Hi @DebMueller,

    Dropbox doesn't let you use multiple accounts at the same time on the same PC. On your work PC, how do you intend to switch to your personal vault file to use if the rest of your ecosystem will be using your personal Dropbox account?

    There are a few ways to approach this; you can copy/paste between vaults, export/import into a single vault or merge it via syncing inside the iOS app. Before we do anything, please back up your 1Password vault on your home PC via the Backup menu.

  • DebMueller
    Community Member

    Yes, you are exactly right about the Dropbox ecosystem. But I saw somewhere on the support site that we can share vaults, so I figured I'd just share between my personal Dropbox and my work Dropbox. I will backup my home vault this evening and get back to you. Thank you!

  • MikeT
    edited January 2016

    Hi @DebMueller,

    Yep, you can do that if you want. While you're still at work, please generate the 1Password diagnostic report from your work PC to email to us and do the same for your home PC. This guide will explain how to generate the report. In the email, also include the link to this thread along with your forum username, so we can connect them to this thread.

    Let us know here when you've sent it, so we can confirm we got the email.

  • DebMueller
    Community Member

    Hi @MikeT,

    Life got in the way this past week, but I'm back. I just sent the two diagnostic reports to agilebits support. Thank you!

  • Hi @Debmueller,

    No problem, we do understand. We got the email and our team will reply as soon as possible.

    ref: CDI-21273-791

  • DebMueller
    Community Member

    @MikeT - got the response and followed the instructions. It's all good now - thank you!

  • MikeT
    edited January 2016

    I'm glad to hear that and you're absolutely welcome. Thanks for updating this thread!

This discussion has been closed.