In Chrome, the extension works right after opening a page, but then stops working

The 1Password Chrome extension worked fine for a year. Now when I open a page, it still works for filling in login information. However if I click more than a couple of links (e.g. browse a bit) the extension stops working. A few times it's shown login info for a random page or no page is found. But mostly I get sent to my login information for If I click on one of the entries, 1Password doesn't enter login info into any of the web forms. When I delete my google password entries, I get "No logins saved for this page." I've of course deleted and reinstalled the extension.

In short - the Chrome extension works right when I open a page, but stops working shortly afterwards. Any thoughts?

1Password Version:
Extension Version:
OS Version: Win 10
Sync Type: Dropbox
Referrer: kb-search:chrome google


  • MikeT
    edited January 2016

    Hi @MBR,

    However if I click more than a couple of links (e.g. browse a bit) the extension stops working.

    Can you clarify if it stops working in all tabs, even new ones or it just stops working in that same tab you've been browsing for a while?

    A few times it's shown login info for a random page or no page is found.

    Are you saying that if you're on's login page and you open 1Password menu, it shows a Login item for a completely different site like our forum and sometime on the same Google's login page, it would show no items?

    When I delete my google password entries, I get "No logins saved for this page."

    That is the right outcome, if you've deleted all of your items for Google then it is supposed to say No Logins saved for this page as there's nothing left.

    Did you restore your Google items from the Trash in the main 1Password program to make sure you still have your data for Google? Please do not delete your personal data just to test stuff like this.

    We do recommend upgrading to 1Password 4 for Windows and our 1Password 4 extensions to have a better extension for the latest Chrome versions on Windows 10. Would you be willing to upgrade?

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