WiFi sync two Windows PC

I have installed 1Password on my home PC (Windows) and synced successfully with my iPad. Now I'd like to sync my second Windows PC (the one I use for busness) using WiFi. Is there an easy way?

1Password Version:
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Windows 7
Sync Type: WiFi


  • Hi @Ste,

    There isn't an easy way to do this with Wi-Fi sync. The Wi-Fi sync is more of a paired type of sync, it would only work with one PC to multiple iOS devices but you can't pair to another PC without de-pairing from the original PC.

    Are both of your computers in the same network at home? Do you have your own sync tool to sync data between both computers or use a cloud one like Dropbox, SugarSync, Box or anything like that?

  • Ste
    Community Member

    Hi Mike,
    both computers are in the same network at home, but I don't have a sync tool because the second one is a business PC (with IT restrictions from the Company I work for) and I don't need (and want..) to sync anything with my "personal" one..with the only exception of 1 Password data..

  • Hi @Ste,

    If you don't want to sync your 1Password data, then your only option is to use a USB drive to manually copy the 1Password folder from one PC to another PC.

  • Ste
    Community Member

    Clear. Thanks for your help!

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    On behalf of MikeT, you are most welcome! Be sure to reach out if we can be of further assistance. We're always here to help! :)

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