personal icon & attachment

Community Member
edited January 2016 in 1Password 4 for Windows

I use the Windows version, ios version and purchase a pro features
Put the attachment in Windows version and set a personal icon

In Dropbox sync, attachment is visible but it shows only two among the settings icon
and rest is not shown
I think that there are probably limitations to set up personal icon

I did not look up how to synchronize with Windows version iCloud Drive

Wifi sync with the Windows versions invisible attachments
Functionally invisible is right?

Please let me know
1. The limit specification for personal icon
(File size, pixel size, color limits, etc.)
2. In the Windows version wifi sync invisible attachment functionality is right?
3. The synchronization method is that the Windows version ICloud Drive
(If it is available..)

So I wish you a good day

1Password Version: Windows -, iOS - lastest version
Extension Version:
OS Version: Windows 7, iOS - 9.2(13C75)
Sync Type: Wifi, Dropbox, iCloud Drive


  • Hi @chrome52,

    In Dropbox sync, attachment is visible but it shows only two among the settings icon and rest is not shown

    Two of your items has file attachments but the other ones don't have any attachments? Or do you mean they have file attachments but when you open them, they're showing up blank?

    1. Custom icons should be in PNG format but you can also use .ICO and JPEG. It should be at least 32x32 in pixels. The file size should not be too large but far less than 5MB limit. We will compress and resize the file on the fly for you.
    2. File attachments are only supported via Wi-Fi sync if you're using the OPVault format for your data in 1Password on Windows. The Agile Keychain does not support file attachments in Wi-Fi sync.
    3. Not yet available, we use Apple's CloudKit APIs to power the sync with your iCloud Account. This is not yet available for Windows, only for OS X and iOS. iCloud Drive is a separate service that also uses CloudKit but not meant for apps to use for syncing.
  • chrome52
    Community Member

    Thanks to answer
    That said, not to say the file attachments

    In the top images show only two privately icon
    And the rest show the default icon

    I will try to upload an icon image used

  • Hi @chrome52,

    I added the first six icons and sync'ed it to 1Password on iOS device:

    It showed up fine. Can you try something for me;

    1. Edit one of the affected items in the Windows program, add something in the notes field and then save it
    2. Wait for the sync to finish on Windows and then open 1Password on your iOS device, go to the Settings > Sync to perform the sync.
    3. Now, tap on the Categories icon on the bottom toolbar to refresh it, locate that updated item, did it show its icon now?
  • chrome52
    Community Member
    edited January 2016

    Thanks to answer
    Icon is placed in the edit window contents
    It appears on the iPhone.

    Credit card, bank items are available, but
    Security note added icon is not possible in the edit window
    Whether it can be added only from the list view
    Secure Notes icon is not visible on the iPhone

    I Save my family personal information on secure note
    (Social Security numbers, driver's license and various personal records)
    Is there a way I would like to specify each individual photo as an icon?

  • Hi @chrome52,

    So, your Logins with custom icons are syncing right now beside the Secure Note ones, right?

    In the middle of testing this, I did see some errors trying to add custom icons to the Secure Note items, I think that might be why you're not seeing this working. It doesn't happen if I add the same icon to the Logins.

    I'll file a bug report to have this fixed.

    ref: OPW-535

    Is there a way I would like to specify each individual photo as an icon?

    Yes, edit these items and then double-click on the 1Password icon on the top left to select an image to attach.

    Note that we have separate category for Social Security, Driver's License, and so on that you should use instead of Secure Notes and you would be able to add a photo as a custom icon to them. You'll find them via the New Item > Wallet.

  • chrome52
    Community Member
    edited January 2016

    I did not know Such function in the 1Password icon
    I try syncing

    I tried to use my personal information to identify
    No additional items inside
    So I use a secure note
    Now let's try to Social Security.


  • You're welcome. Let us know if there's anything else we can help you with.

This discussion has been closed.