Extremely slow on unlock or filling passwords.

Community Member
edited January 2016 in 1Password 4 for Windows

Hi, I changed from agilekeychain to opvault and on my windows machine it is extremely slow. Unlocking takes about 1 minute. And autofill in firefox takes about 30 seconds until the menu appears. I already activated the "Maximum Perfomance button". I have a few notes, 416 logins and 5 or 6 files in the container. Can you please help me, it is totally useless at the moment.

1Password Version:
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Windows 7
Sync Type: File


  • Hi @m42e,

    What kind of hardware are you using? Is it with slow hard drives and older than 2-3 year old CPUs? Are you storing the vault on the same partition as the 1Password program, not on a network share or anything like that?

    OPVault use stronger encryption protocols that will be slower compared to the previous Agile Keychain format. If you have an older hardware, OPVault might be too much to use and it may be better to switch back to the Agile Keychain format for now until we release a future update with more optimizations for the OPVault format.

  • m42e
    Community Member

    Hi @MikeT,

    It is a Core i7 with 2 cores + HT. The data and 1Password are on the SSD. There are loads of free RAM.

  • Hi @m42e,

    Okay, that shouldn't be a problem. Can you email us your 1Password diagnostics report right after you reproduce the slow unlock + slow fill in Firefox issue, so we can figure out what's going on in the background. Please use this guide to generate the report to email to us and, in the email, include the link to this thread along with your forum username.

    Let us know here when you've sent it, so we can confirm we got the email.


  • m42e
    Community Member

    Just sent you the report. I unlocked it in Firefox, filled the password for the discussion forum here and then opened the 1Password app using the tray icon. Then I created the log i sent you.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @m42e: Thanks! I see that we've received your email. We'll take a look at the diagnostics and get back to you shortly!

    It sounds like things slowed down for you when you moved to OPVault. Is that correct? To be clear, if you had an older AgileKeychain (which would have been using fewer PBKDF2 iterations), then it's expected that the decryption would take longer on the same hardware. After all, that's the who point of hardening against brute force attacks. We'll continue to work on ways to optimize 1Password though.

    ref: BVH-43863-224

  • m42e
    Community Member

    Yes, I understand.

    It was never as perform any as on my Mac or iPhone. But now it is so slow.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Thanks for the clarification. We'll see what can be done to improve this! :)

  • m42e
    Community Member

    Multithreading maybe. I forgot to mention that within the first seconds after clicking the symbol in the Firefox toolbar I can't even move my mouse, while only one core is at maximum load.

  • Thanks for the additional information. We'll continue the conversation via email.


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