Since last update to 4.6 Chrome extension asks for PW every time I access a web site


Since the update to version 4.6, my Chrome browser prompts me to enter the master password every time I access a web site that exists in 1Password, even if I don't need to login. It did not do this before and I can't find which setting causes this to happen. Must be a new feature (or rather annoyance) in 4.6.

Can anyone point me to the steps to change this unwanted behavior?


1Password Version:
Extension Version: 4.5.190
OS Version: Windows 8.1 &6.2.9200)
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • MikeT
    edited January 2016

    Hi @wbtrans,

    That's certainly not a change we made and also, no settings exist to force it like that either.

    Are you saying that if you go to Google's website and enter something for the search field, it would be enough to trigger 1Password to show you the unlock prompt?

    Does it behave the same way in Internet Explorer?

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