1Password unlocks fine but 1PasswordAnywhere refuse to accept the password

edited January 2016 in 1Password 4 for Windows
This discussion was created from comments split from: I installed updated 1password on my PC today. Now it ca't access my vault..


  • rezalican
    Community Member

    Hi there! I installed 1passwordto my laptop and was able to sync my passwords to my accounts but when I clink on the link that I need to access for work it routes me to the vault page asking for the master password; when I enter the password it notifies me that it is incorrect.

    Please help, I really need to access it because my work load is in there. thank you

  • rezalican
    Community Member

    I attached a screen shot

  • rezalican
    Community Member

    and the vault page

  • Hi @rezalican,

    I've split your posts from the other thread, so we can help you directly.

    I'm a bit confused by your screenshots, I see the first screenshot showing the unlocked vault. Are you saying the main 1Password program on your laptop unlocks fine but when you try to use 1PasswordAnywhere at work, it wouldn't let you in?

    Does your master password have an international or special symbol in it (do not tell us what it is)? If yes, that might be the issue. Try to change your master password on your laptop to replace these characters with the standard alphabetical or numeric characters and see if it works in 1PasswordAnywhere.

  • rezalican
    Community Member

    Hi, thanks for responding quickly. That screen shot is taken on the same laptop. The first photo is when I click the 1Password icon and asks me for the master password I can easily get in.. but the second photo is a link from my dropbox sent by my employer so i can access the files. But eveytime I put in my password it rejects it. hope we can resolve this thanks.

  • Hi @rezalican,

    But eveytime I put in my password it rejects it. hope we can resolve this thanks.

    You said your password but if it is a separate vault from your employee, you must use the vault password he created for that vault. Your 1Password password only unlocks the vault you created specifically. Basically, each vault will have its own password to unlock it.

    Did your employee give you the password and if not, you'll need to ask him for the password.

    In addition, if you want to open this vault in the main program on your laptop, you have to install Dropbox to sync the vault to your drive and then direct 1Password to open the employee's vault via the File Menu > Open 1Password vault.

  • rezalican
    Community Member

    I click that work.agile file.. then it routes me to this

  • rezalican
    Community Member

    And then it routes me the page with the 1password vault.

    I have dropbox already. Ill try that tnx.

  • Hi @rezalican,

    I was referring to your laptop running 1Password for Windows. That Work.agilekeychain folder should be on your local drive, so that the 1Password on your PC can open it and unlock it for you.

    The Dropbox app on your Android app may not be able to read that 1Password.html file, which is the web app version of 1Password we call 1PasswordAnywhere. You would need the actual 1Password for Android app to unlock that folder for you.

This discussion has been closed.