Issue creating a log-in on my router site

Community Member
edited January 2016 in 1Password 4 for Windows

I am trying to create a log-in for my router However when the log-in screen comes up and I enter user name and password the 1password button on the toolbar is inoperative. How do I get round this? Thanks.

1Password Version:
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Windows 7
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • MikeT
    edited January 2016

    Hi @Andrew42,

    That sounds like the typical HTTP Authentication prompt that typical routers like to use, not the standard html form. When you try to log into your router's page, does it look like the browser is asking for the details in a separate window instead?

    If yes, that's the legacy HTTP Auth dialog, which our extension cannot work with right now. You would have to switch to creating an App Login instead, where 1Password can auto-type the data for you. Here's the guide on how that works.

    Here's what to do:

    1. Visit the router's page to bring up the HTTP Auth prompt, do not do anything yet
    2. Open the main 1Password program, locate your current Login item for this router, and edit it
    3. Under the URLs table, press and hold the Control key, and click on Add App (it'll change from Add URL to Add App when you press Control)
    4. Select the Router's HTTP Auth window, make sure this new entry is on the top of the list if you have other URLs, and save this
    5. Now, switch back to the HTTP Auth window, click into the username field to focus it, and now, press Control + \ to fill your data in

    That should work for you.

  • Andrew42
    Community Member

    Thanks MikeT. It's late here and I'm off to my scratcher. I'll work on this tomorrow and let you know.

    Thanks again.

  • You're welcome, we'll be here to hear back from you tomorrow.

  • Andrew42
    Community Member

    I've tried using both a New Log in and editing the old log in. Each time I come up with the same issue and it fails so I think I must be doing something wrong.

    I have attached two screen shots. The first is of the log in screen when I enter the router's URL and it asks me for my username and password.

    The second screen shot is from within 1Password after I have pressed CTRL and selected Add App. You will see that I have to chose Windows Security and when I do it comes us with #32770.

    Where am I going wrong?

  • Hi @Andrew42,

    You're not doing anything wrong, that's fine. #32270 is the name of that Windows Security window's class.

    So, when you get that Windows Security dialog, click into the username, and then you press Control + \, nothing happened?

    I believe the issue is that Windows Security dialog is running in the elevated mode, which means 1Password cannot access it due to permissions set by Windows, we cannot work around this.

    Can you try with a different browser? The other browsers will not run the HTTP Auth dialog in the elevated mode.

  • Andrew42
    Community Member

    I am not seeing anything when I hit Ctrl+\ but the I'm not sure I am actually doing things right. I will have another crack when I'm back here in a week or so. Thanks for the help.

  • Hi @Andrew42, let us know how you get on when you get a chance to try this again. We are always here to help.

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