What licences do we need?

I use 3 windows computers, and carry an android phone.
My wife use the same 3 windows computers, plus 1 additional windows computer and 2 macs, and carries an iPhone.
We have two sons. One uses a Mac, and carries an iPhone.
The other uses a windows computer, and carries an iPhone.

  1. Which licenses would we need for just my wife and me?
  2. Which licenses would we need for the entire household?

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
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  • MikeT
    edited January 2016

    Hi @duanekumagai,

    One Mac+Windows bundle license at our store will let you use the same license on any number of Macs and Windows PCs. You can also share the same license with up to 5 family members of the household as well (total of 6 human users). They can use it on any numbers of PC/Mac they are using 1Password on.

    As for the iOS and Android platforms, this is a bit more difficult as we don't have control over how this works. Apple doesn't allow the family sharing system to share in-app purchases at the moment. The iOS app is free to download but you can unlock more features via the in-app purchase. You can see more information here.

    If you have a shared Apple ID account for family devices, you can certainly use that ID to buy 1Password and to restore the purchase on any numbers of iOS devices your family uses without paying again. Same for Android, you can reuse your Google Play ID between Android devices as well.

    Does that help answer your questions?

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