1Password's save dialog shows up below the bottom toolbar


  • martinperreault
    Community Member

    I would like to inform you that I also experience this problem.
    I used to experience it on WINDOWS 8, and now on WINDOWS 10.
    My current monitor is a 4K MONTITOR, and the popup always appears at the bottom of the screen, halfway covered by the windows toolbar. (see attached screnshot)

    This is rather annoying.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @martinperreault: Very odd. Thanks for reaching out!

    Are you also using an NVIDIA GPU (perhaps GeForce GTX 970)? So far I haven't sen confirmed reports of this odd window positioning with AMD GPUs, but you never know.

    Are you using multiple monitors, or just the one? Are you seeing similar behaviour with other Windows or app windows? Some driver packages I've used have also had a window position reset in their control panels, so that might be worth looking into if that's an option for you.

    We also never heard back if resetting the screen resolution helped (it may not have come up again), so you might try that as well. Please let me know what you find! :)

  • martinperreault
    Community Member

    I have an NVIDIA GTX 980ti.
    I am using only one monitor (4K resolution)
    I do not see similar behaviors with other apps on my setup.
    I do not use driver packages. My drivers are installed individually from each manufacturer website, and are up to date.

    I tried the suggestion about resetting the screen resolution, and this solved the problem. Now the dialogue box appears in the middle of the browser window.

    Thank you for the fix!

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @martinperreault: Awesome! Thanks so much for letting me know that worked.

    It may be that the coordinates got confused somehow (maybe a holdover from a previous display setup?) Windows is usually pretty smart about reorienting things when changing resolutions though, and it sounds like that was just the 'kick' it needed. ;)

  • martinperreault
    Community Member

    Thank you!

  • On behalf of the team here, you're welcome.

  • martinperreault
    Community Member

    Hi again...
    just to let you know: the problem is back.

    I have no idea why it does that. The window now appears at the bottom of the screen, midway out of screen (just like the screenshot in my previous post above).

    Nothing was done to the computer, except a reboot, and the Browser window has been resized a few times.

    It is a bit annoying... I cannot imagine having to reset my screen resolution every time this happens.

  • Hi @martinperreault,

    I've split your posts from the other thread as I think your issue is entirely different.

    1. When you edit your 1Password data, do you drag your editor to the bottom or does it extend to the bottom toolbar?
    2. Also, can you toggle the locking of the toolbar by right-clicking on the toolbar and unselect Lock the toolbar and select it again. Does this resolve the issue?
    3. Do you remotely connect to your PC?
  • Stanzilla
    Community Member
  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @Stanzilla: Indeed, that does seem similar. Hopefully we'll be able to figure out why this is happening for some people! :dizzy:

  • I don't think it is the same issue, yours is related to multiple monitors and how it shows up between monitors and in the corners, that mostly have to do with the incorrect resolution + DPI values we're getting back.

    This one doesn't have a dual monitor setup and looks to be showing up from below the bottom toolbar, which technically is not supposed to be possible as Windows sets the bottom's boundary to be above the taskbar, so no apps can try to show below it. I think this is a bug in our program where we didn't look for the bottom boundary first before we pop up but we couldn't find a way to reproduce this yet.

  • martinperreault
    Community Member

    Hi MikeT,

    answers to your questions:

    1. When you edit your 1Password data, do you drag your editor to the bottom or does it extend to the bottom toolbar?

    I never drag my 1password editor anywhere... The Window just pops up at the bottom of the screen like the screenshot I showed you.
    Then of course I need to drag that window into view to interract with it. But everytime, it re-appears at the bottom, halfway out of screen.

    Also, can you toggle the locking of the toolbar by right-clicking on the toolbar and unselect Lock the toolbar and select it again. Does this resolve the issue?

    Do you mean the Windows Taskbar at the bottom of Windows?
    If so, it is already Unlocked. I now tried Locking it, then unlocking it. This seems to have solved the issue for now. The 1Password dialogue window now appears in the center of Windows screen.
    But will it continue that way, or will it reset itself later at the bottom, like it did after refreshing my screen resolution (the other fix attempt)?

    Do you remotely connect to your PC?

    No. I only use it locally at my desk.

    hope this helps.

  • Hi @martinperreault,

    If so, it is already Unlocked. I now tried Locking it, then unlocking it. This seems to have solved the issue for now. The 1Password dialogue window now appears in the center of Windows screen. But will it continue that way, or will it reset itself later at the bottom, like it did after refreshing my screen resolution (the other fix attempt)?

    I do not know if it will happen again, this issue is not the same issue as the other one that the resolution refresh would've help with.

    For now, we have to wait to see if it happens again. If it does, try locking the toolbar and leave it, see if it will bring it back. If not, that will help us narrow it down to an inaccurate boundary data on the bottom due to the unlocked toolbar status.

    I'll leave my taskbar unlocked and see if it happens here.

  • martinperreault
    Community Member

    Thank you. I will report back.

  • MikeT
    edited January 2016

    Thank you for helping us with this.

  • Stanzilla
    Community Member

    @MikeT when they were showing up on the other monitor, they were always showing up at the same place, overlaying the taskbar, I always thought the size difference between the two monitors made it move there.

  • Hi @Stanzilla,

    Are your taskbars locked?

    They should not be showing up on top of the taskbar at all even if the resolutions don't match, there's definitely something wrong in the information we're getting and we're trying to pinpoint this down.

  • Stanzilla
    Community Member

    Yep, locked

  • Yea, we're tracking to figure out what it is. Please stay tuned, we might have questions you guys can help us.

  • martinperreault
    Community Member

    I have a new discovery regarding this bug.

    Today I made a test.
    I logged-in a website. 1password popped-up the UNLOCK TO SAVE THIS LOGIN dialogue box. It was a littlebit off centered, to the right.
    I closed the dialogue box, and closed the browser.

    Then, I re-launched the browser, and did the procedures above again.
    When the dialogue box popped-up, it had moved slightly to the right and slightly towards the bottom of the screen (probably something like 300 pixels in both directions).

    I closed the dialogue box, and closed the browser again.
    And redid the same test.
    Again, the dialogue box had moved about the same distance towards the right, and towards the bottom.

    It did that 3 times. Then it stopped moving for some reason. And at the moment of writing this, it seems to stay in that position, now close to the clock at the bottom right of my screen (4K resolution).

    Why the dialogue box moves like that is a mystery. Shouldn't it always pop up in the center of the screen?

    Perhaps this behavior can give your devs a clue on why the dialogue box sometimes finds itself halfway outside of the screen view at the bottom of the windows task bar...

  • martinperreault
    Community Member

    I confirm that after a reboot, now the dialogue box is back down at the Windows Task bar, halfway offscreen.

    Very annoying!

  • The behaviour you're describing reminds me of the window stacking that Windows has been doing for ages.
    When more than one instance of a particular application/process is opened, Windows will stack the windows horizontally and vertically from top left ot bottom right so the window titles and window controls are always visible.

    I'm wondering if Windows is doing just that to the 1Password unlock window, not realising that there are no other windows of the same process present.

    I'm going to try to reproduce this tomorrow and hopefully our developer can do someting to fix this.

  • Stanzilla
    Community Member

    This is still happening to me from time to time, what about you @martinperreault

  • Hi people!

    We believe we've reproduced this issue and it seems to be a combination of window stacking and window offset which doesn't work correctly in Windows (especially Windows 7).

    Here's what we found to work on our testing systems and for the majority of our customers:

    1. With the auto-save dialog in focus, press Alt + Space on your keyboard and then press the Enter key. This will enable Move action for the window as you'll see your mouse cursor switch to a move cursor.
    2. Use the arrow keys to move to the preferred location and press the Enter key to save the location. 

    Please let us know if this brings some relief.

  • Stanzilla
    Community Member

    That works only temporary :(

  • MikeT
    edited March 2016

    Right, that's what Alex meant by some relief. It does not fix it at all, just works around it.

    For now, we haven't found a permanent solution in our code yet.

This discussion has been closed.