Can I keep using 1Password 1.x with W10 until I can easily upgrade to 1Password 4?

This discussion was created from comments split from: Windows 10 and Chrome Extension.


  • Ben Moberley
    Ben Moberley
    Community Member

    Should I continue using version 1 with Windows 10 until I can easily upgrade to password 4?

  • Hi @Ben Moberley,

    I've split your post from the other thread, so we can directly address your concern.

    It is up to you, you can keep using 1Password 1.x forever unless a future Windows version breaks it and require a major update to 1Password to keep working. 1Password 1.x works fine on Windows 10 but its support with browser extensions and newer browsers is a different story.

    Firefox 40+ stopped supporting an old framework we used for 1Password 3 extensions that 1Password 1.x works with. So, if you want to use latest Firefox versions, you would need to upgrade to 1Password 4 to use our 1Password 4 extensions or you can switch to Opera and Chrome that 1Password 3 still works with for now.

    Also, you said "easily" upgrade, can you clarify on why you think it might be a difficult process for you? 1Password 1 and 4 uses the same data format, so you can just install 1Password 4 and it'll pick up your data right off the bat. Are you thinking the browser extensions is the issue?

  • Ben Moberley
    Ben Moberley
    Community Member

    Thanks for the reply. I thought I had read where Password 4 wouldn't work with Windows 10. I'll just download Firefox. Would that become my default browser? I've been on IE forever, but not opposed to changing, I guess

  • MikeT
    edited January 2016

    Hi @Ben Moberley,

    1Password 4 is fully compatible with Windows 10 but what you may have heard is that Microsoft Edge does not have extensions support, therefore 1Password will not work in that version. You would have to switch to using Internet Explorer 11 instead to keep using 1Password in your browser.

    As for Firefox, you don't have to use it if you don't want to, you can still keep using Internet Explorer, just not Edge, the default browser for Windows 10. Change the default browser to Internet Explorer and it would be identical to what you have now.

    However, it is not a bad idea to try Firefox with 1Password, just to see if it works better for your needs. 1Password is better in Firefox than it is in Internet Explorer. For an example, you get the benefit of the credit card and identity filling that is not supported in Internet Explorer.

  • Ben Moberley
    Ben Moberley
    Community Member

    Thanks. I'll use Firefox. But I'm basically starting over with 1Password. Seems I had trouble learning how to use it, and didn't really get full use of it before, and just stopped. I'll try again.

  • You're welcome. We're here to help with anything you need to get started.

This discussion has been closed.