I have two usernames of the Td Ameritrade site so have set up two log-ins for that url.

When I go to the Ameritrade url and hit control-\, I get the list of both log ins; however, when I hit enter on either one, I am taken back to the log on form, and nothing gets filled in or submitted. I hit enter as I can't use a mouse due to my visual impairment.

1Password Version: latest 4.xxxxx
Extension Version: har to find with screen reader but using IE 11
OS Version: Windows 7 latest updates
Sync Type: no syncing; just using on one computer
Referrer: forum-search:multiple log-ins same url


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @donbarrett: Without knowing the URL, it's impossible for me to test this...but in almost all cases, 1Password is perfectly capable of saving and filling multiple fields of a login form. If you can tell us the URLs in particular you're having trouble with we'll be happy to test them and try to offer a solution, workaround, and improvements in the future!

    That said, in many cases save the login manually for the site will allow 1Password to save additional information from the form. Just try these steps:

    1. Navigate to the website
    2. Enter your login credentials
    3. Tap the 'key' icon (or the Share button, to use the extension in Safari) to bring up the login menu
    4. Tap + New Login
    5. Tap Save
    6. Close the webpage and tap the URL in your new login item to have 1Password fill it
    7. Tap the "Sign in"/"Log in" button to submit the form

    Please let me know how it turns out. I look forward to hearing back from you. :)

  • donbarrett
    Community Member

    Thank you Brenty.
    Your message got me thinking and I went into each log-in and checked Use Auto-Type in Web Browser, and now they work perfectly. You all rock; love this application. Thanks so much for making it work with screen readers so blind individuals can manage their passwords using this great tool. -- Don

  • Hi @donbarrett,

    Please be careful with Auto-Type, it's meant as the last resort when our extensions do not work. This is a brute force method of typing the username, pressing tab, then the password, and optionally if enabled, the enter key afterward. The problem with this is that if you focus an open text field that is not for the username, it would not matter to 1Password. That's why it is important for us to make sure it works with our extensions that will match your username to the correct username field.

    We do not recommend that you use Auto-Type in all cases, we should do a better job of that with our extension instead. If you can let us know which sites doesn't work for you in the future, we'll check it and see if there's a bug in our extension that we need to fix. Future extension updates will fix these issues.

    On behalf of the team, you're welcome. We're constantly working on making sure 1Password is accessible to all and if you see any areas that we've missed, please let us know, so we can fix them. We do know we have a few areas we missed such as no label on the unlock button on the main unlock view and we'll get that fixed soon.

  • Hi @donbarrett,

    I just want to follow up, I can confirm that Ameritrade doesn't work with this URL: https://invest.ameritrade.com/grid/p/login?site=CTRUST

    It does work better in Chrome, Firefox, and Opera, just not Internet Explorer.

  • donbarrett
    Community Member

    Thanks Mike.

    I have put the url for the TDAmeritrade site in the URL field. I am using Internet Explorer and its default built-in extension. For the present, I will leave the Auto-Type option in place, and will of course, welcome any additional information in the future as it develops. Much thanks.

    On another quick note, I run the Webroot suite of anti-virus utilities, and have asked the Webroot team to white-list 1Password, so I don't have to keep WR turned off when I want to use 1Password. I have also sent the WR team a link to your article on Configuring WR which I found in the 1Password Knowledge Base. Hoping they fix it soon so I don't have to modify their settings.


  • donbarrett
    Community Member

    Thanks for checking the Ameritrade site and confirming the issue. Everyone tells me to use Firefox; perhaps soon :-))

  • MikeT
    edited January 2016

    Hi @donbarrett,

    You're welcome and please do let us know what they say. We are absolutely happy to help in any way with their products and if they want to get in touch with us, here's the email address: support+windows@agilebits.com and you're welcome to use that to contact us just as well with anything you need.

This discussion has been closed.