folder sync on USB drive


from some other posts, I have learned that folder sync is not the same on Windows like on OS X (in fact it does not sync at all, you can just open the vault you synced to on OS X). The only way to share passwords between my Mac and my Windows PC is to sync to a USB drive and open the vault on the Windows PC when needed. (I have lost hope with folder sync on Windows getting this feature so I have to go with what I have. And no, I will not save my password vault to any cloud service.)

My question is: When is it safe to remove the USB drive on the Windows PC. Is 1Password closed and the system tray icon set to locked ok or do I have to close the systray icon too?

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Hi @insanelygreat,

    You can pretty much remove it once the vault is locked again.
    Just like you said, 1Password for Windows directly reads from and writes to the vault file. This way, if no file is present, the app can't access anything.

    On the Mac this is a different matter. There, 1Password mini run in the background and makes sure that the contents of the internal database are in sync with the .opvault or .agilekeychain file that is stored on your internal or external storage device.
    If this file is missing, errors might occur.
    I'd reocmmend only removing the thumb drive once you've properly ejected it prior to logging out of your user account or shutting down the Mac.

    I hope this helps.

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