I have set up iPassword on my iPad. I have downloaded 1P onto my iPhone and Windows laptop. How do I

How do i load my access password onto a) my iPhone and b) my windows laptop. ie so the same vault is on all 3 devices? i want to be able to sync all 3 devices via our home office network. Thanks

1Password Version: v 4 on windows and 6.1.2 ipad
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: windows 7
Sync Type: network
Referrer: kb:how-safe-is-cloud-sync, ug:mac/sync-wi-fi, kb:how-safe-is-cloud-sync


  • LauraR
    edited January 2016

    Hi @parcher - you can use Dropbox or WiFi to sync your 1Password vault between your Windows PC and your iPad and iPhone. We have great set up guides here -

    Dropbox is a great method to use as once set up everything then syncs automatically. Please let us know if you have any further questions and we will be happy to help more.

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