I recently updated our computers to windows 10 and I am having trouble using / activating 1password.

It will not allow me to activate with our current license as it is probably old - I am assuming I should just upgrade our license?

The other issue I am having is using the browser extension - it doesn't seem to be as user friendly as it used to be. I can no longer click to enter the username and password, I have to right click and copy username and passwords individually to clipboard. Is this just the new way of doing things?

1Password Version:
Extension Version:
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: kb-search:windows 10 compatibility, kb:upgrade-license


  • Hi @Aubrey_Thorp,

    I can't find any licenses using the email address that you've added to your forum profile. Can you email us at support+windows@agilebits.com with the license key you have and we'll see what we can do.

    I can no longer click to enter the username and password

    It should work the same way, clicking on the Login item should fill the data in right away. Which browser are you using and does it not fill for all of your Logins or just a few?

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