1Password access - locked out - you asked for a diag report.

Sorry for the delay - this is the first day off I have had when you are open. I onlyh have a few3 hours so I hope we can get this resolved. Issue: 1psd will not let me into the vault - I only have one and it is on my Iphone/ipad/dropbox I cannot run a diag report as it won't let me in without the password it is looking for. + Every time I use the web it pops up asking for an unlock code I don't have. Can we just reset the password somehow?

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: kb:diagnostics


  • YHenrichsen
    Community Member

    Is there a chat function so I can work directly with someone? It was bought for me 10/16/15...

  • Hi @YHenrichsen,

    We're open 24x7, there's no need to wait until you have some free time, please email us as soon as you're having problems.

    For now, you do not need to unlock the main program to run the diagnostics report, it can be generated without the password. To do this, open the main 1Password program on your PC and go to the Help Menu > Diagnostics Report > Export to File. Save it to your desktop and attach that file to an email to be sent to us at support+windows@agilebits.com. In the email, please include the link to this thread and your forum username, we can connect the email to this thread.

    Let us know here when you sent the email, so we can confirm we got the report.

  • YHenrichsen
    Community Member
    edited January 2016

    Thanks for explaining - I don't know the program very well. The email is on its way.

    [Edited by MikeT to remove personal info]

  • Thanks, we got the email and will reply as soon as we finish analyzing the report.

    ref: KSD-99421-241

This discussion has been closed.