Extra records exported to CSV file.

Community Member
edited January 2016 in 1Password 4 for Windows

I exported my logins to a csv file in order to extract the URLs from the records. When I imported the csv file into Excel, there were 6 records clearly not of the correct format and content. The rest of the logins are correct and present. Here is the data from two of the records extracted from the CSV file with the usernames and passwords removed:

"JohnEd-NAS1-Admin","_fieldformat$1#p_user##p_user: JohnEdAdmin
_fieldformat$1#lang##lang: English","<username>","<password>",""

"Agilebits","_fieldformat$1#email##Form_Email: doctorbrown
_fieldformat$1#rememberme##SignInRememberMe: *","<username>","<password>","https://discussions.agilebits.com/entry/signin?Target="

When these records were imported into Excel, they became two rows. Is there data corruption in my archive or other problems I need to clean up? If so, what is the best way to insure my archive isn't corrupted?

1Password Version:
Extension Version: 4.5.2
OS Version: Windows 7 SP1 x64
Sync Type: WiFi, shared folder sync


  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator
    edited January 2016


    It is hard to know, since we don't have access to the original data. Perhaps you can export to 1PIF, and examine the characters between JohnEdAdmin and the _fieldformat$ sequence, as well as beween the doctorbrown and _fieldformat$ sequence. Ideally you'd use a hex viewer / editor so you can see the raw characters. I'd guess there is an embedded linefeed or newline character or sequence.

    The CSV is properly quoted, so Excel should read the 5 columns, and column 2 would have an embedded line break.

    I think you have a Mac. You can use the hexdump -C command and examine the output.

  • DoctorBrown
    Community Member

    Ok, I think I know what's happening. I looked at the 1pif file and the items in question in 1Password. The data in question is in the Notes field of the record. Excel is breaking that data into cells at the place where the notes field has a line break. The newline '\n' character is visible in Notepad++. I'm not sure why 1Password has put that data in the Notes field to begin with. I had no reason to do it. (maybe 1P captured this? )

    This tells me that any note with a newline is going to break up when exported to a CSV file and imported into Excel. (BTW, I'm on a Windows 7 x64 Pro OS.)

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator


    You may have to tell Excel that double quote is the quote character. Newlines within CSV are perfectly acceptable so long as the cell containing such is properly quoted.

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