Accessing Vault

I am having trouble with a Vault I shared. I’m trying to share it through Dropbox with another member of my team. I got it all set up through Dropbox, but when my assistant tried to access it, the password that I set up for the vault didn’t work to open it. What password is the vault suppose to open to? Are they suppose to use their 1 password that opens up their personal vaults to open the shared vault? (Also wanted to mention that I have a Mac, but my assistant has a Windows computer. Not sure if that would make a difference.)

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • MikeT
    edited January 2016

    Hi @matea_HH,

    What password is the vault suppose to open to?

    It is the password you chose when you created the vault. Each vault has its own password.

    Are they suppose to use their 1 password that opens up their personal vaults to open the shared vault?

    Yes, they have to open their main 1Password program and then open the shared vault to unlock with the vault password you gave them.

    Since your assistant is on Windows, this is done by opening the main 1Password program and going to the File Menu > Open 1Password Vault and open the shared 1Password vault inside the Dropbox directory.

    Make sure they also have Dropbox installed, so your shared 1Password vault is sync'ed to their drive.

    Note that on Windows, the vaults look like your standard Windows folders that happens to end in either .agilekeychaiin or .opvault.

  • matea_HH
    Community Member

    Thank you for your help!

  • You're welcome!

  • matea_HH
    Community Member

    What if the password you set up to open the vault isn't working?

  • Hi @matea_HH,

    Most common reasons are:

    1. The vault hasn't been sync'ed fully yet, wait for Dropbox to finish its sync before opening the vault
    2. The password is incorrect or the vault selected is not the right vault for the password

    Is it saying the password is incorrect or the folder selected isn't a valid 1Password vault?

  • matea_HH
    Community Member

    How do you know Dropbox isn't finished syncing? It's saying that the password is incorrect.

  • matea_HH
    Community Member

    Is there a way I can change a password on a vault?

  • matea_HH
    Community Member

    My assistant is working from outside the U.S. Could this be the issue?

  • Hi @matea_HH,

    How do you know Dropbox isn't finished syncing? It's saying that the password is incorrect.

    Dropbox will show a green checkmark on its icon in your notification tray area or on the 1Password folder in your Dropbox folder.

    Is there a way I can change a password on a vault?

    Yes. Open the specific vault in the main 1Password program, unlock it, and then go to the File Menu > Preferences > Security to change the password for the vault. After it is changed, wait for Dropbox to show the checkmark to confirm it is done syncing and then your assistant should wait for that checkmark before opening 1Password to unlock with the new password.

    If the assistant is still having issues, have her email us her diagnostic report to us at and we'll take a look. Here's how to generate the report:

    Please ask her to include this discussions ID (56347) in her email along with your forum username, so we can connect the email to this thread.

    My assistant is working from outside the U.S. Could this be the issue?

    No, it should work anywhere there is an Internet connection.

  • matea_HH
    Community Member

    Ok. Thank you! I'll give that a try.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Be sure to let us know how it turns out, and if you have any other questions. We're always here to help! :)

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