Move vault to Dropbox [Confirmed bug with a shell folder left behind after the move, will fix ASAP]

Community Member
edited January 2016 in 1Password 4 for Windows

I just installed 1Password demo version on my Windows 10 laptop. Then created a secondary vault. 1PW automatically placed that new vault in the laptop's Documents folder. I then went to >preferences and clicked "move to Dropbox". The keychain is now properly in Dropbox, all ok. But I noticed that there is still an identically named file in my laptop's Documents folder. It seems that, rather than "moving" the keychain file, it actually just copied it. Can I just delete that leftover file? Seems a bit sloppy and insecure for me to have it remain on the laptop when I'm now syncing thru Dropbox.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Hi @MDBrown,

    We apologize, you found a bug. The content of the folder has been deleted but for some reason, we can't remove the parent folder that you're seeing in the original directory. If you go inside that original folder, you'll see it is empty with empty folders as well.

    I've filed a bug report to have this fixed soon.

    Thanks for letting us know!

    ref: OPW-536

    Seems a bit sloppy and insecure for me to have it remain on the laptop when I'm now syncing thru Dropbox.

    Your 1Password data is always encrypted on disk and even if you're syncing with Dropbox, it is still on your drive. Dropbox stores a local copy of all of your files on each computer you use Dropbox with. That's the nature of syncing, to keep the same copy of your files across computers. You're not accessing these files from Dropbox's servers directly. Please keep this in mind if you decide to sell your laptop in the future, you must do a secure wipe to remove all traces of your files or keep your drive.

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