Complicated question - move password database

My wife has an old version of 1password on her ipad. I have 1password 5 with a Mac + Windows license and I think I'd like to try to move all of her old passwords from the older database to a separate vault on my 1password account. How do I do that?

I don't even know how to find the password database on her ipad or how to move it off.


1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:old version of 1password on ipad to 1password 4 on windows


  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator

    Hi @mlmiles1 ,

    I think you will want to sync your wife's 1Password on her iPad with one of your desktop's 1Password. Dropbox may be the easiest way.

    What version of 1Password does your wife have on her iPad?

  • Hi @mlmiles1,

    As MrC correctly points out, the easiest option may be to sync it into a new vault on your desktop, assuming the version your wife's using has such an option.

    However, before we proceed, we need to know which version of 1Password is running on her iPad. Is it 1Password 3.x?

  • mlmiles1
    Community Member

    version 4.2.5

  • mlmiles1
    Community Member least I think that's right. On the Recommend 1Password button, it says that version #. But now that T think about it, I'm not 100% sure how to double check that.

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator

    @mlmiles1 ,

    Check the Settings area in 1Password. I don't recall where the information is in that version, but you might see it at the bottom of the settings in some text. It might also be in Advanced > Diagnostics area as well (full version info).

  • Hi @mlmiles1,

    That's where we would list your 1Password version, below Recommend 1Password in 1Password's Settings, so you did find the right area.

    I assume the iPad is running an older iOS version prior to iOS 8? That would explain why it is not updated to 1Password 6.2 automatically on iOS 9.

    There are a few options you can do:

    1. Create a new vault in 1Password on the desktop and have the iOS app sync the data to your vault via Wi-Fi or
    2. Use Dropbox to sync this vault to your Dropbox folder on either Mac and/or PC.

    Can you tell me if you're currently syncing your 1Password data between Macs and PCs and if so, which sync method are you using?

    For now, please back up your wife's 1Password data with this guide:

  • mlmiles1
    Community Member

    OK. I created a new vault on the laptop. I used a new Dropbox folder to hold the new vault and I shared it with my wife. How do I sync what she already had on her device to the new vault AND how do I point the older version of 1password to the new vault?

  • MikeT
    edited January 2016

    Hi @mlmies1,

    Did you back up her data already? If not, please back up first:

    After that, in 1Password on the wife's iPad, use this guide to set up the Dropbox sync and select that new vault file in your Dropbox folder:

    You should be able to merge her vault into that new vault. After that, the iPad will be in sync with your laptop via Dropbox.

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