1Password Teams Support

Hey all,

Wonder when there will be support for 1Password Teams in the Windows Desktop app (not the store app). As due to corporate requirements Windows 10 is not currently being used.

Would be excellent to see it soon.



1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Hi @BThompson,

    It's currently in development but we do not have a timeframe on when it will be available, we are working as fast as humanly possible (without rushing the code, of course) on getting Teams support ready for all platforms. We will release more details as soon as we are close to releasing the beta of the 1Password for Windows program with Teams support.

    By the way, since this is not directly related to the current betas, I've moved your thread from our betas forum to the general Windows forum here.

  • Agent929
    Community Member

    Mike do you know if the windows desktop version will be ready for at least beta deployment by the time teams comes out of beta? I'm only asking because I would like to see Google Chrome support for it. The Windows Store app is just horrible..not because of you guys, but because of restrictions on the Windows Store.

  • MikeT
    edited February 2016

    Hi @Agent929,

    Unfortunately, we do not know. There are no timeframes for anything, including the launch of Teams and beta versions of 1Password for Windows. We are constantly working on our code and getting them out as soon as we deem it ready, we don't try to rush our code to match any deadlines.

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