Latest software downloaded and installed. Could not remember passcode and was emailed a passcode.

Started with one passcode when i purchased the license, did not keep going after 25 entries, and decided to day to continue. New passcode was supplied by email. Still can not get started with program.


  • ewisbrun
    Community Member

    Waiting for a reply

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @ewisbrun: Sorry for the confusion! This is a discussion forum and not a chat service, so we try to reply to people on a first-come-first-served basis. I apologize for the delay!

    First, I'm not certain what you mean by 'passcode', but to be clear AgileBits has neither your 1Password data nor the Master Password used to secure it, so this isn't something we can 'reset' for you to help directly. If you've forgotten it, please try the tips in this guide as they may help you gain access again:

    However, if you're referring to your license key, unfortunately 1Password has no way of knowing whether or not you've purchased it unless it has your license information.

    But the good news is that all you need to do is register the app and remove the trial restrictions. In that spirit, I've also resent your license information via email. Just open 1Password and go to Help > Enter License Key and add it there. I hope this helps. be sure to let me know if you have any questions! :)

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