Autosave issues

This discussion was created from comments split from: Logins Disappeared!.


  • gsw
    Community Member

    I seem to have experienced a similar problem, though I am using a recent version of the Windows version, 4.x downloaded just week.

    Today I added two new logins via the chrome browser extension and I also updated the passwords by using the password generator in the browser extension too. When I submitted the password change for the second website, 1password didn't prompt me to update its corresponding login record. So I opened the main 1password program to update the login password manually.

    However, I then saw that three logins and one generated password were missing, and searching in the 1passord program found nothing, not even in the trash. Luckily 1password had saved an automatic backup about an hour before, and the missing records were in that backup. I also could see the missing records in my android phone and iPad. (I had been using wifi sync only)

    I decided to re-add the missing logins by manually typing in the username and password for each website in the Chrome browser and letting the 1password extension prompt me to save the login (so it really did seem 1password had lost all trace of those missing logins). I also added some more logins for other websites too.

    I then did a wifi sync with my iPad. Now the missing logins reappeared and so after the sync, there were now duplicates for each of the websites that had been missing! The duplicates appeared in both the window main app and iPad. I have since deleted the older duplicates and re-synced so that I no longer have duplicates.

    Is there any info I can give you to help investigate this problem? I only started using 1password last week, but having experienced this issue so early on makes me worried about the reliability.


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @gsw: Since the previous thread was about 1Password for Mac (and that seems to be the one platform you're not using), I've split you off into a separate discussion in the Windows category of the forums so we can focus on your issue.

    Unfortunately without some basic information it's hard to say what might be going wrong and how we might right it! Please tell me all OS, 1Password, device, browser, and extension versions you're using, the exact steps you're taking, and what is (or is not) happening the way you expect so we can test this to see if we can figure out what's happening in your case.

    The more information you can give, the better. For instance,do you have multiple vaults that you use? We'll get this sorted out. Thanks in advance! :)

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