1Password Extension (helper?) Missing from Command Bar [Use our desktop app, not W10 store app]

Jeff Fisher
Jeff Fisher
Community Member
edited January 2016 in 1Password 4 for Windows

Hi Guys,

I'm an Apple User and love 1Password...However...

I now have a Surface Pro 3 running Windows 10 and Internet Explorer v 11.xxx (not Microsoft Edge) and I cannot even find the 1Password Extension for IE. I go to Customise the IE toolbar and 1Password isn't even listed in the Available Toolbar buttons.

I have checked Third Party Extensions is ticked under Internet Options.

Am I going crazy?



1Password Version: Beta 2016.1.1200
Extension Version: who knows?
OS Version: Windows 10 Pro v1511 OS Build 10586.63
Sync Type: Dropbx
Referrer: kb-search:internet explorer entension, kb:missing-extension-button, kb:keyboard-shortcut-not-working


  • Hi @Jeff Fisher,

    I've moved your thread to our Windows forum here instead of the 1Password for Windows beta forum you've posted in.

    You need the regular desktop version of 1Password to work with browser extensions in your browser, the 1Password for Windows 10 beta in the Windows store does not support browser extensions at the moment. It does support 1Browser if you want to use an internal browser but it is limited. Microsoft is improving the Universal Windows Platform (UWP) over time and the more powerful it becomes, so will our 1Password for Windows 10 (UWP) app.

    For now, if you want to use 1Password in Internet Explorer and other web browsers, you'll need to use the 1Password for Windows program instead. You can find it here: http://agilebits.com/downloads

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