How to use 1Passowrd with this URL
"Toegangscode" has to be given automatically by 1Password. Up to now it fails. How to manage this URL?

With kind regards

Jan Lichtenbelt

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Hi @JanLichtenbelt,

    Which browser are you using and what is the version of the 1Password extension installed for that browser?

    Try this and see if it helps:

    1. Open the site in your browser, enter the code you have for the site manually but do not submit the form. You can get the code by clicking on the 1Password icon, right-click on the Login item and click on the code to copy it to your clipboard and then paste it in the code field
    2. Now, click on the 1Password icon to select Settings > Save New Login to save it a separate Login item, do not replace the previous Login item.
    3. Now, clear the code on the site, refresh the page, and click on the 1Password icon to select the new Login item, does it work?
  • JanLichtenbelt
    Community Member

    Hi MikeT

    It works! Thanks a lot.

    Kind regards

    Jan Lichtenbelt

  • You're welcome. If the new one works, you can delete the old one.

This discussion has been closed.