I recommend a different font for the chrome plugin.

I ran into a situation where i needed to manually enter my password into a device that does not support 1Password. When I was reading my password from the chrome plugin I noticed that it contained the letter "I". Or is that "l"? They are very hard to distinguish in any sans-serif font.

Two options for your consideration:

1) Don't use ambiguous characters (e.g. "I" and "l", "0" and "O") in generated passwords
2) Ensure the font used to display cleartext passwords allows users to distinguish between ambiguous characters

1Password Version: 4.6.0
Extension Version:
OS Version: Windows 7
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:font


  • Hi @spock,

    1) Don't use ambiguous characters (e.g. "I" and "l", "0" and "O") in generated passwords

    That is an option already in the generator's settings:

    2) Ensure the font used to display cleartext passwords allows users to distinguish between ambiguous characters

    We have plans to bring over certain features such as Large Font and the colors we use in the OS X/iOS password fields if it is possible, basically; blue for digits and pink/red for symbols.

    We'll look at using the same password font we have in other platforms if possible.

    Thanks for your suggestions!

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