1Password showing up off screen on the second 4K monitor

This discussion was created from comments split from: Chrome plugin window showing off screen.


  • theidenreich
    Community Member

    I am having the same problem, but only on my second screen:

    • Windows 10 Laptop with Chrome extension
    • 4k Display on the laptop FullHD on the second monitor
    • Using CTRL + # on a browser window displaying on the laptop screen works fine
    • Using CTRL + # on a browser window displaying on the second screen shows the unlock popup off-screen

    I can get the window to the screen with ALT-Space and also tried to change resolutions and back (as advised in https://discussions.agilebits.com/discussion/47460/position-of-unlock-form), but the popup always shows off-screen

  • Hi @theidenreich,

    I've split your post from the other thread as you said you can make it happen consistently regardless of which methods you've tried.

    Just out of curiosity, could you change the 4K monitor's resolution to the 1080p resolution and test it, does it seem like it works fine like it does on the laptop's 1080p resolution? It would help us narrow this down.


  • Hi @theidenreich,

    Could you email us at support+windows@agilebits.com, we'd like your help to test something for us.

    Let me know here when you sent the email. Do still test the 1080p suggestion on 4K, we need that info.


This discussion has been closed.