HTTP Auth login prompts are different in IE, FF and Chrome

Community Member
edited January 2016 in 1Password 4 for Windows

I have created multiple HTTP Auth login items using FireFox and App logins manually via the 'New Item' function. I have them successfully filling in and logging in (by using the Ctl-\ action). I then started testing them in Internet Explorer. Lo and behold, they work differently in IE.

In Firefox when I invoke one of the HTTP Auth login items to my Netgear Router I, as expected, need to enter the Ctl-\ command which causes the taskbar icon to display a list of matching login items. The list contains those HTTP Auth logins I created. I select the one for the router and the login completes. The URL to match the Firefox HTTP Auth window is 'MozillaDialogClass'.

When I invoke the same login item in Internet Explorer, a 'Windows Security' window is display. When I enter Ctl-\, the taskbar icon brings up the list of Application login items!! The router login is not one of the items. In order to get the router login to be in the list I must edit the item and add the Windows URL '#32770' via the Add App function to the URL list.

Then when I use Chrome, the 'Authentication Required' pop up occurs. When I cnter Ctl-\ the login completes without the need to select the login from the taskbar list.

Is this the best we can do with these types of logins??

As extensively discussed in my earlier thread, the way that 1Password handles this type of login is awkward at best, extremely complicated for every day users otherwise: Unable to import data from Roboform 7.9

My previous password manager, RoboForm, NEVER required this kind of jury rigged editing and user interface to make logins successful. In RF when I created the logins for the router in FF, it worked in all other browsers I used. Same for all the HTTP Auth logins. The App logins were just as seamless.

The major reason I moved away from RoboForm was to get local sync to my mobile devices without using the cloud. Now I'm beginning to rethink my decision. This product just has too much user interface weirdness for my tastes. This isn't a new product, so why aren't the fundamental features working better.

I don't know if there is anything you can do to make this work better for me. But the more I use this product, the more idiosyncrasies I find that really distract from the great product this could be.

_1Password Version:
_Extension Version:4.5.2
_OS Version:Windows 7 x64 Pro
_Sync Type: WiFi


  • Hi @DoctorBrown,

    I agree, it is needlessly complicated for the HTTP Auth prompts that's identical in all browsers and unfortunately, this is normal for now. The HTTP Auth prompt is a part of the browser itself, it is not a part of the website, which means each browser's dialog has a different window ID you have to add to your Login's App IDs. I suspect Roboform automatically whitelisted all browsers and included their IDs by default. I'll add a request to our tracker to see if we can whitelist the browsers we support if we find no security reasons not to do this.

    We have plans for a better application tracking system that can assure us that the window is coming from the right program. Right now, we can only get MozillaDialogClass as an app window ID for Firefox's HTTP Auth dialog or something like #32770 that's the same among several apps but there's nothing that stops another program from naming any random window the same as MozillaDialogClass meaning you'd get multiple Logins that's not related in different apps. We do not presume anything and do not whitelist anything by default if it could cause confusion. If we can get a better ID like "IE-Security dialog" and confirmed it is running from IE, we can then automatically whitelist and fill it in for you right off the bat without additional changes on your part. However, without any further confirmations that it is coming from the right program, we must be careful about expanding any automation efforts on this until we can improve the core Auto-Type feature. We do realize we're behind in this area compared to other apps and we will improve this.

    HTTP Auth dialogs is one of these legacy features that we haven't optimized for and we have a request in our tracker for our extensions to integrate with the HTTP Auth prompts in both Firefox and Chrome that might have enough support. I've added your votes to improve this for both the Auto-Type + browser whitelist feature and also, the integration with Chrome and Firefox's HTTP Auth dialogs.

    I'm sorry you are not happy with 1Password. I wish you have a password manager that does everything for you on all platforms and I can understand we're not the one that will meet your needs for now but we will strive to make it happen in the future. However, we want you to be safe now and If you'd like to return to Roboform, we can give you your money back, just let us know here and we'll send you a private message with the refund information.

  • DoctorBrown
    Community Member

    I don't know what I'm going to do right now. I've spent weeks manually recreating my logins and trying to work through the issues. Unless the competitors product can import the 1PIF format, I'd have to do it all over again. I'm not look forward to doing that.

  • MikeT
    edited January 2016

    Hi @DoctorBrown,

    We do apologize for the situation you're in. I'll send you a private message in a moment.

    ref: 936368

This discussion has been closed.