1password opens a new browser when I log in instead of a new tab in Chrome It changed somehow

My 1password used to open a new tab in Chrome. Now it opens a new browser. How do I change it back to a new tab?

1Password Version:
Extension Version:
OS Version: Windows 10
Sync Type: Dropbox
Referrer: forum-search:1password opens a new browser when I log in instead of a new tab in Chrome It changed somehow


  • MikeT
    edited January 2016

    Hi @lhguthrie,

    [Corrected]: Click on the header Open Login in to change it from Open Login in new Window to Open Login in current tab or new tab.

    The strange thing is that Chrome only opens in new tabs.

    How are you trying to open the Logins, are you double-clicking from the main 1Password program or opening from the 1Password extension in Chrome?

    Did you recently upgrade to Windows 10?

  • lhguthrie
    Community Member

    First how do I upgrade to the latest extension?
    I open the login by scrolling to the appropriate login and single click on it
    I did upgrade to 10 but had been using it without problems

    On my other computer it works fine so it is specific to this computer
    computer is 1 year old 12gig memory and 250g solid state drive Toshiba

  • MikeT
    edited January 2016

    Hi @lhguthrie,

    I apologize, I just checked again, the older extension does have this support.

    Click on the second header in the Logins view of the extension to change it from Open Login in new window to Open Login in new tab or you can choose Open Login in current tab.

    If you want to upgrade to 1Password 4, you can and your license is eligible for the free upgrade. Note that 1Password 4 extension does have some limitations that you might miss from 1Password 3.x extensions but we're working on improving it. Here's our guide on how to upgrade to 1Password 4 for both the main program and the extension: https://support.1password.com/upgrade-windows/

    I hope this helps.

  • lhguthrie
    Community Member

    Thanks so much

  • You're welcome!

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