I need my login ID and password to login on new laptop.

I have a new HP Envy laptop with Windows 10. My old Toshiba runs 1Password and I'd like it on my new laptop. I'm at home and can't find any paper records of my AgileBits license. Are my passwords in the cloud or only on my old laptop? How do I get back to normal? If necessary I'll buy a new license, but then I'd lose my password data.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: kb-search:phone support, kb-search:I have a license for 1Password, but am at home, new laptop


  • eden3668
    Community Member

    I have the current version of 1Password and that's all I know.

  • MikeT
    edited October 2017

    Hi @eden3668,

    Congrats on the new laptop.

    You would need to copy over your 1Password data from the old laptop or if you're keeping the old laptop, you can sync the data between both laptops via Dropbox.

    Your 1Password data is not in the cloud by default, you can install Dropbox and sync it to the cloud if you'd like.

    To copy over the data:

    1. Open the main 1Password program on your old laptop, unlock, and go to the File Menu > Preferences > General. You'll see the path to your 1Password folder listed next to 1Password vault.
    2. Open Windows File Explorer, and go to that path mentioned in step 1. Copy this folder to a USB drive and then copy it to the same location on your new laptop.
    3. You should also copy over your backups just in case. Switch back to the main 1Password program and go to the Backup Menu > Back up 1Password Vault and allow it to open your Backups folder after it is done. Copy the backup folder to the same location on your new laptop.

    After this, you should be good to go.

    As for licenses, you don't need a new license per PC. You can use the same license on any number of PCs you own and you can also share the same license with up to 5 family members in addition to yourself for total of 6 users. I checked your license, you bought an extra copy of 1Password yesterday that you don't need, I can give you an immediate refund if you want me to do this, just let me know and I'll process the refund for you.

    You can find all of your licenses here if you enter your email address.

  • eden3668
    Community Member

    I'm good to go! As you say I do not need the new license purchased last week. I already have a license. So, please credit me back for 1Password for windows bought last week. Thanks

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @eden3668: Done! I see Laura actually beat me to it via email, so you should be all set. But don't hesitate to reach out if you need anything else. We're always here to help! :)

    ref: WKY-11236-313

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